


6 years, 8 months ago


Small character excerpt written by my husband:

She's shy and hardly talks above a whisper. Part of it is because she spent a good part of her childhood sick and in bed which resulted in a special type of isolation where you think you are alone because being anything different will  kill you. But as she managed to survive into womanhood she has armed herself with a cellphone, because talking is longer than texting and a whole bag of medication. She gets easily winded cause of being weakened for years by her illness but she has a neat phone with a large screen and can easily shoot you a text if talking is too much effort. She can also write words or draw pictures on paper or other things if need be; one thing for sure seeing her print out words or manufacture doodles like some form of mute lizard hieroglyphics just adds to her cute factor. She is naturally hairless and favors wigs and makeup to help her feel "normal".