


6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info




A young prince who made a pact with a devil.
[ pinterest moodboard ]

Archael was once a princeling that was thought destined to rule a land of gold and stars; an entire cosmos under his thumb if he willed. His family and his people were strong and steadfast - they, however, were no match for those that came after their knowledge and sorcery. Amalgamæl was another kingdom under the great sea above, that all those who lived looked upon in wonder, and it seemed that Syfowæn - the world creator - had not blessed him to lead his people on his own power. Amalgamæl vied to control all that was under Syfowæn's starlight - Archael's people were unprepared for war, having spent too long searching for knowledge of the 'other side' and afterlife than prepare to fight a needless battle.

Troops from Amalgamæl invaded - lead by their queen - and it was her command and her blade that drove Archael to seek the aid of spirits. He knew them well - he had communed with them all his life, like his people always had, and it was only they who could offer him aid in this great time of need.

They guided him to form a contract with Mythalin - the scar-bearer - to grant Archael a wish as wide as the stars stretched above. A soul and life of servitude for anything he desired. All he had to do was love her for always - Mythalin, this other-creature of horns and inky darkness, this being who carried the weight of all the wishes granted before his - and he, for his people, promised to obey her every whim.

If she could lead his people to peace and calm so they could continue how they always had, and never worry for the lives of their children or children's children, he would follow her - he would be the light of her star that burned her enemies and the blade at her hand that rent apart the flesh that betrayed her.

Mythalin took him into her and he knew horrors unlike any before; no longer did he commune with soft spirits of the Earth and Sky - of those long before him. Stalking the halls of his mind were horned, tentacled creatures.. bleeding, pus-filled creatures of darkness that promised him more than Mythalin could ever dream. They flitted the edges of his waking vision, they whispered to him that he was destined for more, whispered that they could show him things beyond his wildest nightmares.

Archael's people were free of war - wrapped in the soft silk of Mythalin's wicked protection, this other-creature drove Amalgamæl's Queen and people from his home. Archael's kingdom fell to a life of continued peace and joy; protected by the spirits that all came to know and love deeply, and Archael fell to Mythalin's knees and followed her every whim. The kingdom under the stars - the Kingdom of Moon and Stars - shunned the world creator Syfowæn in favour of Mythalin.

The princeling lived a half life - one as a king-to-be that pulled from his family and performed well in courts across the Kingdom and lands outside for his new Goddess - and one as a hunter of creatures and people that dared to defy Mythalin. She taught him how to commune with great demons and how to use her power to bind them to his will, how to use them to fulfill their - her - purpose.