Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


Welcome, my name is Faithy and please read EVERYTHING! There’s lots about my profile you should know.


 None of my characters are for sale/offering. So please don’t ask.

✑ I don‘t mind if you put any of my characters in ‘dreamy’ folders, in fact I encourage it 100%! I love how some of my babies can be considered Dreamies. However just so anybody knows, I’d prefer if none of my Sonas weren’t put in dreamie folders since they will never leave me.

✑ My page is LGBT+/illness/disability/POC friendly; everyone is welcomed!

DOs and DON’TS

Please DOPlease DON’T
  • Ask about potential character links, or anything regarding my characters in general! I‘m all for my OCs having relationships with others, however make sure that you had properly read the OC bio and warnings attached to the character.
  • Draw/write/ask about my characters! By all means go for it!
  • Share ideas/themes etc for me, if you have any tips on how to help me improve please send your ideas my way.
  • Ask questions about shared interests and art trades.
  • Thank me for anything I might of done for you!
  • Demand or ask me for anything. This really is irritating and I had stopped taking requests for strangers a long time ago.
  • Steal/use/copy my artwork. I don’t mind works that were referenced.
  • Roleplay using my characters. They are MY characters, not yours so why are you using someone else’s characters? Make your own.
  • Use/write/draw my OCs in NSFW content without my permission.
  • Advertise me or my characters (unless I give you the go ahead!)
  • Offer to give me anything (artwork, fanfiction etc) only for you to back down. If you weren’t going to do it then don’t say anything at all.


BYI: I draw a fair amount of NSFW and also have fanfictions on old accounts that I had wrote long ago, if this bothers you then by all means turn back now. (The characters that are NSFW related in anyway will have a warning, if a character does not then they are rated E for everyone lol)

BYI: I have the strictest setting on when it comes to minors, if you are a minor and trying to access my page you will be promptly be given either a warning or won’t be able to view much of my profile. However if it still allows you to view then it must be on your end in the settings.

✑ My page(s) are mobile based (since I’m using an iPad for everything, yeah ik right? Lol) so if you’re on desktop or something else that isn’t mobile then everything might look a little wonky if not somewhat cluttered.

✑ If you cause any trouble for me or I generally just am not comfortable with you, I have every right to block you.

NSFW/Artistic Nudity will be apparent in some of my folders and other places around my profile(s). Proceed with caution.

Violence/Blood/Gore will be in some character profiles. Below I added other things relating to character profiles in the sense of warnings;

  • Dark/Disturbing/Sensitive Themes (i.e. su*cide, depression etc)
  • Medical Themes
  • Potential Eyestrain (some characters of mine have bright colours to them or a pastel kind of look/profile)
  • Language (Expect a lot of cussing and swearing)
  • Stalking/Obsession
  • And other potential warnings that aren’t listed here


Basic DNI; just be a decent human being. Don’t be rude, hateful or a troll etc.

✘ Are a bigot. (i.e. racist, political, anything related to this that causes people harm.)

✘ You steal artwork/characters. (Be more original, you can do it. You don’t have to steal in order to do great in life.)

✘ Harass/Cyberbully people and/or characters.

✘ If you are the overly religious person, you know. The kind that pushes their beliefs onto other people without asking sorta thing. I’m an atheist and I don’t mind religion or religious people but please show more respect.

✘ If you are associated with anyone on my blacklist.

✘ Have intentions of wanting to befriend me just to use me. (i.e. free art, writing etc) Not cool peeps.


Currently in development…

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