Winona Fallon



2 years, 6 months ago


winona fallon

female (she/they)

24 (born in 1996, snap victim)

cat (lykoi & domestic shorthair)

lesbian, dating vik (owner: arcticferns)


  • Super Solider, very large!
  • Lykoi & Domestic Shorthair cross
  • Not well!
  • Related to one of hutch 's aca characters, Gail Fallon

Design Notes

  • Big! Big ears, big paws, large in general
  • Lots of scars
  • Hairless patches
  • Tail thin into fluffy



Winona is born to parents of the group HYDRA, and hence is part of it herself. She is treated only as a weapon to destroy SHIELD, and lives their life believing that’s all that they are. She went through tortuous experiments and the hands of HYDRA as a child, including being injected with Super Soldier Serum. Luckily for HYDRA, seemingly nothing they did would make Winona turn their back on them. Eventually she was deemed suitable and was sent off to spy. While they don’t join SHIELD, she closely observed many of their missions. She gains lots of intel and is a useful asset. This is one of the happiest times in their life for them. She feels useful.


Winona works with Hydra throughout this movie, trying her best to destroy SHIELD (as per usual lol) They fight Sam, Natasha, Steve, Cae’sir (owner: CoalBrando), and whoever else was on their side alongside other Hydra agents but eventually has to retreat and returns to the Hydra base. She doesn’t have a huge role in this movie, mainly serving as their introduction. During the events of this movie she meets Sharon Carter, and she sparks Sharon's interest.


Winona witnesses the near destruction of HYDRA and is pissed. She meets up with Ultron, Celesty (owner: @/ghostheart, and the Maximoffs, and works with them against the Avengers throughout the film. Winona doesn’t turn against Ultron when the Maximoffs ultimately do. They participate in the final battle, and after her side loses she realizes she has nowhere left to go. She doesn’t know what the current status of HYDRA is, so she talks to the Maximoffs and gets an invite to the Avengers. They know this is the best course of action. HYDRA may be in disrepair, but she still needs to fulfill her purpose.

CIVIL WAR (2016)

Winona is now in the Avengers, but isn’t super thrilled about it. Other members try to reach out to be friends with her, but she never reciprocates. They’re one of the least popular members, but really they could care less. They just have a job to do. That’s it. Don’t get attached! She keeps telling herself. After the Civil War breaks out, Winona joins Tony’s side. Mainly just because they don’t like Cap lol. Winona participates in the airport fight, but flees the Avengers immediately after. They hated being a part of that stupid group, and knew they'd be more successful on their own. She knows trying to join SHIELD and rise through the ranks directly will be much more effective.


Winona goes into hiding for a year, committing crimes and stuff. Not much going on. Girl needed a break! She eventually hears of a place called Madripoor, and decides to head there. It is seen as a criminal safe haven, after all. They meet Sharon Carter again, and Sharon agrees to train Winona and teach her different and unique fighting skills. Sharon introduces her to Viktorya (owner: arcticferns), and the two instantly click, which is strange for Win but she doesn’t mind. The two start dating sometime after. Winona also meets Still (owner: @captain-parks)

THE BLIP (2018 - 2023)

Winona is a victim of the Snap and is dead the whole time. Rip bozo


The girl is revived! Yippee! Viktorya and Sharon are happy to see her. She accompanies Sharon and Vik during TFATWS, and they and Vik join Sharon in SHIELD after the latter is pardoned. Tension rises between Vik, Winona, Sharon, and Still, after he refuses to replicate the Super Soldier Serum. Viktorya continues to meet with him secretly, and Sharon and Winona are unaware.


Winona and Vik are now in SHIELD. Winona is very happy about this. They rise through the ranks while working on sabotaging the organization. During their time here, Winona learns of Gail Fallon (owner: hutch), one of the founders of SHIELD. She realizes they must be relatives and is digusted. She tries to forget this. Vik has a complicated past with Natasha Romanoff, and she has a hatred for her after she abandoned Vik in the Red Room. Impulsively, the two decide to track down and kill her. They frame Clint Barton for the murder, and flee. They are discovered by the head of SHIELD, Newt (owner: hutch), and kill him as well. Things are going great for these girlboss murderers, and Win is finally happy for once in their life. They know their parents would be proud of them for… kinda? destroying SHIELD until their betrayal is found out and their cover is blown by Phillip. They’re forced to flee, and Win shuts down. She was so close to accomplishing ultimate goal, to fulfilling her purpose, and she failed. Sad emoji. They know if HYDRA still exists she can’t return there, so she returns to Madripoor, defeated.