Divyrr Nath(ElfSona)



6 years, 8 months ago


Name: Divyrr Nath


Species: Drow

Height: 5'3" 

Sexuality: Pan


Alignment: Neutral 

Occupation: Librarian 

Class: Rogue

Abilities: Darkness, Faerie Fire, 

                Dancing Lights 

Pet: sphynx Cat, Ned

Relationship(s): Molafay(mom),

                          Rylrysn(older brother),

                          Mayffyn (younger sister),

                          Ethedril (youngest sister) 

                          Bartleby Twiggs (employee) 

                          Roland & Gwen (Bartleby's kids

                           she sometimes watches)

 Quirks: flat chested(lost breasts in an attack),

             sarcastic, paces when she's thinking, 

             tends to sing to herself when she's alone, 

            nearsighted(from reading too many books), 

            talks fast when she's excited. Tends to look

           down on most non-Drow out of habit, 

            though she tries not to. 

Likes: Short hair, Guys(appearance wise),

          some girls(usually tomboys), cats

          (especially Hairless), being mistaken

          for a guy(finds it funny), dead meat,

         raspberries, tomatoes and salt, long boots,

         sweaters or long sleeved blouses, pants, books,

         well behaved kids. 

Dislikes: long hair, food that 

         is alive/moving, Spiders, most Drow deities,

         spoiled children/people, ignorance, people 

        insulting her cat(Ned), Zombies, illthids 


 Grew up as a commoner in the city of Sshamath. She was always a bit odd, even as a child. Often preferring books and more martial fighting to Clerical magic.

 Her family was more for mages and Sorcery then the Devine's. She was raised by her mother, her father having been long gone from the picture. Not that that was uncommon.

 Truthfully it was uncommon to be raised by her parent at all. But as she got older she a d her older brother also looked after her younger sisters.

 Rylrysn her brother was a natural borne Sorcerer. Working harder then average to earn his place in Sshamath, her younger sister Mayffyn went on to serve one of the more goodly Drow deities. 

As for her youngest sister Ethedril stayed with her mother, though she worked as a sorta guardian for her mothers shop.

 Ethedril was born with a natural strength a often wielded a war hammer when things got hairy. 

Divyrr wasn't always flat chested, her breastlessness was a result of an accident she had during her first venture to the surface. She took a fireball to the chest from an orc, 

which would've been avoidable had she been paying better attention. Some human clerics were passing by and took pity on her. It took a little over two months for her to recover,

 but they weren't able to salvage her breasts. Having to use the skin to cover her more severely burned areas. She stayed an extra week after she recovered,

 finding the town to be more or less a calm relaxing place. Granted she was still untrusted by the locals but they weren't overly rude to her.

 She later found out it was one of the few that were on relatively good terms with Sshamath. 

She returned to Sshamath, though by that time it had been well over a year. Her family barely recognized her when she did return, it took some convincing.

 Though she was able to prove herself after she explained a bit more. The reason for this was her over all appearance change, she had cut her hair and along with her lack of breasts made her appear to be male. 

Not that she minded for the most part, in fact it was rather fun. But it did make her return rather awkward. Divyrr left the underdark roughly ten years later. 

Finding that she would rather explore the surface realm. While traveling Dragon coast, she collected various tomes and scrolls. Some magical, some historical, and several that were just a good read. 

She'd always been a avid reader, liking the idea that she could be transported through the authors words. Not that she didn't enjoy other things as well but reading held a thrill for her that fighting never could.

 After some time she settled down in a small town. Taking a job at a local library. Divyrr found she rather liked the idea of sharing her enthusiasm for the written word.

 The elderly human who ran the library was skeptical at first. But soon grew to like her, so much so they passed the library over to her when they died. 

The human hadn't any children of their own and felt it should be given to someone who loved reading as much as they did. Divyrr later hired an assistant,

 a human by the name of Bartleby Twiggs. He looked after the library when she was away, acquiring books or doing business/visiting Sshamath.

 The human would often bring his children to the library. Divyrr found she didn't mind them, they were well behaved and would listen when she told them not to do things.

 She even went so far as to watching them if Bartleby was out of town or taking care of his wife.