XYAB's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

zapron357 Global Rules

1. Do not give my designs to anyone here

2. Please dont remove the “zapron357” tag. It is there so that i can keep track of my designs. It’s ok to forget or accidentally remove, but id prefer if you keep it there <:). If you have an older design of mine and it has a “whiskerpawz” or “Zapron” tag on it, please update it to my current username! Thank you! 

3. Do not resell designs for more than their initial price, UNLESS they have added value from things that you bought with money. Personal/non-bought art does not add monetary value, thus id rather you not add it to the price of a character. 

4. Do not copy/trace/steal/take inspiration from any of my designs or art without asking. This goes for any and all things i have made, unless i’ve given you permission otherwise. I only give those i trust permission to ”copy” me. This goes for people i dont know or have cut off, too… I just want to be respected.

5. Anyone that fits general DNI criteria is also on my blacklist, and If you give any of my designs to any of those on the list, i will give you a warning and i may possibly blacklist you too. 3 warnings is more than enough to warrant such.