4. Info Dump's Comments

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Is there any way to make the title box page doll my pfp (AKA one of the drawings I commissioned from you earlier)? I've been trying to get it the right size so I can center it but had no luck. I don't really have a page doll atm so it feels awkward if I don't put something there.

Pfp in question: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/736664781355876443/1050662443669536779/IMG_0703.png?width=587&height=587

Is there a way to add links to the kin list? I can’t seem to figure it out :,)

sure! the simplest way to do it would be to wrap the image elements in links :]

first, find the image element you want to add a link to (it should look like this in the kinlist)

<img class="rounded-circle mx-1 mb-lg-0 mb-2 p-2 tooltipster bg-dark" title="character name!" src="IMAGE LINK" style="height: 120px;">

then all you need to do is wrap it in a link element like below!

<a href="CHARACTER LINK"><img class="rounded-circle mx-1 mb-lg-0 mb-2 p-2 tooltipster bg-dark" title="character name!" src="IMAGE LINK" style="height: 120px;"></a>

hope this helps! ᵔᴥᵔ

Thank you! I absolutely adore this code!

Hi! Sorry to bug you but there is a problem for me regarding the kin list and as well as the theme play button. First with the theme section, the button doesn't appear and cause of that I cannot check to see if the music is even playable. As for the kin list, all of the images resizes down whenever I edit anything on the code. Sorry to disrupt you! 

Oh no! I'm sorry you're having trouble! D: I'm not sure why either of those are happening. Everything seems to be working fine on my end, and editing the code shouldn't affect the image sizes unless it was accidentally broken somewhere (not to mention the theme play button should always be visible).

Are you using circlejourney to edit it? If you still happen to have it too, feel free to send me screenshots, or the code itself! I'll look through to see if I can find the problem “(`(エ)´)ノ

Ah no I’m not I’m just putting the code through toyhouse but I’ll see about it!

Hi! I used your code on my profile bc it's very cool, but when I use it the code doesn't include the part at the top with the featured characters? Is that a part of the extended version?

Hi! Sorry for the confusion; that featured characters section isn't part of the code, it's just for the description page. ^^;

If you wanna use it though, I made a snippet of that section here! You can just paste it on top of the info dump code :P

Ah, cool, thanks!!

is there a way to make this have custom colours too?

Who made the lil page doll guy? I couldn't find any credits for it, so it might have been made by you. Just figured I'd ask before going on a wild goose chase.

Oh yeah! That's my art of my OC Colin ^^ My OC/art account is scariebearie, though it's mostly set to authorized only 😭

edits: sorry, i cant read or type /lh

hi hi!!! i edited this code to use for my profile ^^ i hope its okay that i moved your credit >< i made it more visible by putting it alongside my social media links!

that's okay! tsym for using!! ♥(ノ´∀`)

(❁´◡`❁) its such a good code, yw!

the pagedoll isn't showing up on pc :[ i don't see it anywhere in the code. i only saw the mobile pagedoll bit

edit: nvm im just slow LMAO

is there custom colors?

sorry for the late response! not currently, but i'll most likely make a custom colors version soon :P