


2 years, 5 months ago


173cm / 5'8''
Information Broker
350 years old
People are secretive when they have secrets.- Deb Caletti

Altan has vibrant red hair and eyes that match the gold he loves to wear, although these are not the things that most notice upon seeing him. The 'horns' atop his head are actually the fangs of a scorpion; an indication of what he is along with his long tail. His hands are black up the wrists leading up into the a reddish hue to match his hair up his forearms, and his nails are sharp and hard like claws. He often wears red rubies upon his person, his go to metal always being gold; his long, scorpion tail oftentimes always just as ornate in its embellishments. Atlan's ears are pointed at the ends with several piercings -- four in counting. Aside from his wardrobe normally being expensive in nature, he bears white tattoos upon his arms in the shape of the constellation 'Scorpio' along with a couple gleaming stars. 


The best way to describe Altan is greedy. If one were to ask anyone who knows of him, that is always the first word that will come to mind. However, to him, he would call himself a visionary, and that there is hardly anything wrong with having ambition. He worked hard to get to where he is now, and continues to work hard as well. Nothing he owns was given to him for free, and he likes to remind others of this too. As such, due to his view, he can be immensely stingy with both information and goods, refusing to give anyone anything until he is paid what he deems is the right price. Sob stories so very rarely move his heart, and so it is a waste of time to even attempt. Altan respects those he deems strong -- not just physically, but emotionally as well. Those who have had to drag themselves from the gutter time and time again will always earn his praise tenfold.


Altan learned to hold a weapon in what felt like the moment he learned how to walk. His people are warriors who take great pride in their abilities, and Altan being a part of this, too took great pride in his people and who he was. Although the Girtablilu were renowned for their strength, they were also skilled traders and merchants, something that he would later down the line settle and place his entire focus on. However, before that point, Altan had grown tired of the monotony of his village life and the small part of the world they resided in, opting, instead, to leave and see what the world had to offer outside of the land he called home. As soon as he was old enough, he set out, joining a mercenary band and assisting in protecting carriages for those who could afford the pay, and occasionally involving himself in a battle here and there, a war at other times... 

It took a couple years for him to sit and mull over his life, wondering: 'do I want to do this forever?' It was when he reached this point that he came to realize that he was discontent. Though grateful for the many experiences he had gained, this was not the path he wished to tread until the end of time. He wanted something more. Something different. Separating himself from his life as a mercenary, he went soul searching. He went from place to place, selling his services to make a living until he reached an epiphany, one that required him to think outside of the box he had placed himself in. With hard work, blood, and sweat, he saved up his money enough to own his own stall in the vast port city of Reyvarna, selling and trading things that caught his eye...information included. Within two years, he went from a tiny stall to large shop with top tier merchandise. He had accomplished what he wanted, but his ambition pushes him higher still. 


  • The stinger on Altan's tail contains a potent venom, but he can control how much is released, curtailing the more serious effects to avoid a lethal dose. As it rightfully intimidates most, he does his best not to wave it about.

  • An avid collector of a variety of teas; Altan takes his tea brewing quite seriously. Thus as a result, this has made him rather snooty in regards to how certain leaves should be brewed. He will proudly say that a cup of tea from him might as well be akin to a beverage of the gods.

  • Even though he is exceedingly miserly, he has donated some of his wealth to more lucrative projects. This contradiction has made some believe him to truly be a generous man beneath his shady nature, while others who were less than fortunate in this regard, see him as a greedy, penny-pincher who would rather watch the world burn than part with anything deemed his.

  • Tends to be somewhat sluggish lazy during the day. He's far more active at night. This probably has to do with his half-scorpion nature. 

  • A carnivore through and through. Though he will eat vegetables, fruits, and the like if it is placed in front of him (his mother taught him not to be a picky eater), he would honestly much rather have a hunk of meat instead if given a choice. 

wip - x