🌑 Twigshadow



2 years, 6 months ago



 "When you're protecting something truly special to you, you can truly become as strong as you need to be."

Name: Twigshadow
Reasoning: A humorous joke from his mother and for his kinked tail; in honor of his grandmother
Previous Names:Twigpaw; Twigkit
Gender: Cis-male (he/him)
Age: 52 moons (born 1/17/22)
Clan: Shadow
Rank: Warrior
Mentor: Twilightbrook
Apprentice: N/A
Last updated: 3/8/24
Slot Proof: boop (normal slot #7)
Designer / Worth:Reever / $0


Stats: Go here! 

Strengths: stealth; agility; hunting
Weaknesses: speed; swimming; climbing



Twigkit and Stoatkit's life started out with a bit of humor. Glaciersky had been kicked out of the nursery while Cinderspark was kitting, though his stoat companion had been allowed to stay. Later he would make a snarky response about the kits being named Twigkit and Stoatkit- which Cinderspark ran with, just to be cheeky. Thus, the two brothers came to be recognized by these names. They were beloved right from the start, with many family members and a strong clan to look after them. A good thing Shadowclan was strong too.... It would need all its strength to keep up with these two whirlwinds. Twigkit was very young when Tundrafang got in trouble for picking a fight with an outsider and when the Thunderclan medicine cats revealed how to disarm twoleg fox snares. He thought little of these matters. He was a few moons old when Freckleshimmer temporarily resided in Shadowclan. He was pretty curious about her. Why did she smell like fish? 


Twigkit and Stoatkit became apprentices at six moons of age, as per clan tradition. Twigpaw was given to Twilightbrook for training. He wasn't a huge fan, but he showed her respect and figured she was a decent enough teacher. There were some funny rumors floating around that her father had once had a crush on his grandmother, after all. Not long into his apprenticeship, his parents were taken by the twolegs. Twigpaw tried not to show it, but he was horribly afraid for their safety. He cared very little when the warrior code was amended to allow medicine cats to have families of their own, too worried about his parents. Thankfully they returned not long later, missing only the organs required to reproduce. Twigpaw had no complaints there- his family was big enough! Petroleum, a kittypet, had sent a message with some of the returned cats that something horrible was brewing. Rogues, too, would only infringe upon the clan territories more- as did predators. Helleboretongue, a Shadowclan warrior, was killed by one of the rogues. Scarletpaw, a fiesty young molly that Twigshadow had become acquaintances with, had been present for the murder. His heart went out to her, even if he wouldn't admit it. A moon later Valerianshade, one of the medicine cats, would eventually step down and Squirrelsmirk would rise to become a medicine cat apprentice. Twigshadow and his brother rapidly approached their warrior ceremonies... but their world would be rocked before they got the chance. On an outing with their grandmother, they were attacked by a rogue. Twigshadow's shoulder was slashed and one of his ears ripped off. His brother didn't fare much better, one canine knocked out in a fierce blow. Tranceshadow was quick to the rescue, killing the rogue, but the damage was done. Their grandmother deteriorated rapidly from there... and eventually passed away in her sleep. The family was turned upside down without their matriarch, but they kept pressing forward.


Twigpaw graduated on time, even if it was hard to find complete joy in the matter without his grandmother's presence. In her honor, he requested the suffix "shadow", and it was granted. Stoatpaw became Stoatfang, in honor of the fang he'd lost while defending himself and his family. At Twigshadow's first gathering, a decision was made by the clans and Petroleum. They would all band together, along with loners, to take down one of the twoleg monster camps. Twigshadow was uneasy about the thought, but decided to roll with it as the majority of his clanmates did. In the end, it was a successful endeavor although many cats were hurt and a few lives were lost. Twigshadow did his best to not think of the growing threat, instead continuing to expand upon his newfound freedoms as a warrior. His first acquaintance, Scarletmoon, eventually came to be a friend figure to him- even if he had no intentions of telling her such... at least not right away. A moon after the monster site was dismantled, a new twoleg settlement was discovered near the clans' territory, further changing the forest. Yewbriar was also taken by twolegs around this time, causing great unease in Shadowclan and in Twigshadow himself. A couple moons later and a new face showed itself- a kittypet by the name of Dixie. She demanded that Blackstag, one of Shadowclan's elders, be handed over to face war crimes. Naturally, the clans refused... and Twigshadow found it almost amusing that a kittypet dare make such demands. Shortly afterward, Racoonsnap and Timberwolf stepped down from their positions as leader and deputy. Twigshadow was surprised, and even more surprised when they chose Stonecold- a warrior only a cycle of the seasons older than Twigshadow himself. He spoke his concerns, but they were mostly overlooked. The clan accepted Stonestar as a whole... but Twigshadow remained uncertain. Smokefeather would be chosen as Stonestar's deputy.

Not long after Stonestar's rise to power, Tundrafang was punished for mistreating a half clan apprentice. Twigshadow found it distasteful. When Batface stepped down as medicine cat around this time, Twigshadow held nothing but respect for his decision- especially since it was to be with his uncle- Flamestep. Then, Scarletpaw - now Scarletmoon - disappeared. It became known that she had been taken by the kittypet gang, who promised that she would be returned in pieces if Blackstag was not given up. The brother of Dixie's mate had been the one to deliver said message. By this time, Twigshadow had become quite fond of Scarletmoon and was distraught over the abduction of his friend. His despair and anger only grew as the kittypets held true to their promise- returning Scarletmoon's body parts to the clans one at a time. No patrol could find her... and Twigshadow felt that not enough had been done. In the end, she was released- but only so that she could brokenly deliver the message that more pain was to come. This threat was followed through as Dixie, Roman, and their kittypet gang sent a monster rolling down into the gatheringplace. Many lives were lost in the process. Twigshadow was lucky that he was unharmed in the mayhem and so was his family. A moon later and Tundrafang stirred things up again when Pebblecoo's pregnancy with an outsider was announced. Twigshadow saw where she was coming from... but he didn't support her decision to attack Stonestar. It was a shame, a true waste, when Tundrafang was killed by the leader. 

A couple moons later, all hell would soon break loose in the form of dog attacks on all four clans, clearly prompted by Roman. Many cats were killed and injured. Shadowclan was more prepared for the attack, evacuating quickly. Tulipmist, Cosmoslight, Piperpaw, Ravenflower, Crowleap, Amberfern, and Flowerkit lost their lives to the dogs. Stonestar managed to lose no lives in the chaos. After the dogs' departure, the clans returned to rebuild what had been broken. Twigshadow was horrified at the loss and devastation, feeling helpless even within his own home. Another threat rose to meet the clans not long after the dog attack, piling on top of the issues they already faced with the kittypets. Starlingmoon, united by rebels from all four clans, overthrew Stonestar and sent her fleeing. Piperkit was taken hostage by Goldenheart, used as leverage to force most of Shadowclan's loyalists to surrender. Twigshadow was outraged and he spoke out against the rebels, along with Minkpaw. Emberthorn, defending Twigshadow, also spoke out. As a result, Starlingmoon insisted that Piperkit's throat be cut, to make it clear that she was seriously. Twigshadow was horrified as he watched the kitten suffer for his outspokenness... and it only got worse as Coyotestorm tried to save her daughter, only to be slaughtered. Piperkit's life was spared, though she would forever deal with this trauma. Many cats stayed in Shadowclan, out of support for the cause or out of fear for themselves or others. Many others left with Stonestar. Twigshadow stayed, for he had family here still and he also felt that he didn't deserve the right to leave. However,... Scarletmoon left. He didn't get to tell her goodbye. It was her departure that made him realize... he had fallen for her. He confided in Stoatfang, telling him about his feelings for her. He would later learn that the departed Shadowclan cats had come to stay with Thunderclan. 

Twigshadow felt that he must do somethng, anything, to try and right his wrong. He couldn't help Piperkit now, but there were other cats he could help. Not long after the rebellion began, he took action. Using his smarts, Twigshadow devised a plan to help one of the hostage apprentices escape. Softpaw did, indeed, manage to escape... but Twigshadow paid the price. The rebels caught him and drug him back to camp. He was brutally savaged, flesh ripped and bones broken. One foreleg and one backleg would never completely be the same. He blacked out from pain and shock before he could see what happened next. Racoonsnap tried to defend his nephew... and was slaughtered as a result. This is a guilt that Twigshadow still carries and likely always will. Rumors spread that Winclan had been taken as well. Twigshadow would later learn of the existence of the Others - though he would never know who made up the group. He eventually learned, after things returned to normal, that they were a group that had fought to reclaim Shadowclan in secret. He was appreciative of what they had done to try and help take Shadowclan back. He hated to hear of Cinderfall's disappearnce, though he hadn't known her well. Four moons after his harsh punishment. Cinnamonhawk and Carminefox, Scarletmoon's brothers, decided to try and help Twigshadow get back to Thunderclan where it was safe. Desperate to see Scarletmoon again, he agreed. He didn't want to leave his family, especially Stoatfang... but the desire to be somewhere safe and to be with Scarletmoon was strong. Rebels gave chase, but the three cats were just able to make it across the Thunderclan border, where a patrol had fortunately been passing through. After a brief fight, Thunderclan turned the rebels away. Twigshadow was safe and reunited with some of his family and with Scarletmoon. He had been afraid at first that she would hate him for having not left Shadowclan when it was taken right from the start... but she didn't. He confided his guilts and regrets to her, in which she offered him comfort, assurance that it wasn't his fault, and forgiveness for having not joined her when everything had happened. One thing led to another... and he confessed his budding feelings to her. She returned them, signing "future" to him. She didn't need to give a whole spiel for him to understand. Both of them were broken and a relationship was not something either of them were ready to leap into... but the future was promising for them, together.

Another matter that he wouldn't learn about until later occurred. Hyzenthlay, a loner known for being friendly to the clans, trespassed. She had been secretly seeing Ravenheart and, concerned, went to see him. She was attacked brutally. Ridgeback, partner of the rebel Alligatorgrin, jumped in front of the loner to take the brunt of a brutal attack. Blackstag bravely attacked the rebels to give Hyzenthlay and Ridgeback time to escape. Hyzenthlay would succumb to her wounds, but not before saving Ridgeback's life- though this knowledge remained largely under wraps. The rebels were led to believe for some time that Ridgeback had survived- although she was instead taken back to Thunderclan after Mousefang found her. Twigshadow would come to consider her brave for these actions... and he chose not to think too much about Blackstag's sacrifice as well. Retaliation among the clans soon began, with Flamestar and Sagestar making the first move to take back Windclan. Oakstar, Begonialeaf, Weaselface, Shrikeclaw, Pythonsmirk, Sunpuddle, and Frostmoon met their end. The rebels Snapdragonfrost, Moorstripe, Flurryfreeze, Leopardshine, Lambpelt, Icestep, and Infernostorm of Windclan are captured. Riverclan's Mushroomshade, Ibisstrike, Sandpiper, and Viperspots were also subdued. As a response to Windclan's reclaiming, Thunderclan's herb supplies were poisoned by the rebels. Pipitscreech, however, double crossed the rebels by telling Thunderclan before anyone could be sickened by them. Her corpse was found on the Thunderclan side of the border with Shadowclan- a warning. Twigshadow felt a bit of appreciation towards her sacrifice... perhaps she had realized how very wrong she was. The existence of the Others was revealed soon after, though Stonestar never told the clan who these cats were. They left at dawn, not telling Thunderclan in order to avoid potential spies. The battle to reclaim Shadowclan began. Twigshadow was still too hurt and weak to participate, so he anxiously awaited their return. In the end, Shadowclan and Thunderclan were victorious. Rookstone, Roandune, Aldersnap, Alligatorgrin, Swiftbound, Barkhowl, Firfrost, and Goldenheart were killed for their rebellion while Constellationwatcher was allowed to live in exile due to his regrets. Starlingmoon was executed by Stonestar, ending the rebellion once and for all. 

Twigshadow had mixed emotions about Cinnamonhawk and Carminefox being spared exile or execution. He was glad for Scarletmoon, knowing he still loved them... and in a way, he was glad for them too. They had helped to get him out of Shadowclan's hostage situation, though he still didn't think that he could ever fully trust them again. Scarletmoon was chosen as the next medicine cat apprentice. Twigshadow was overjoyed for the cat who had his heart. The threat of the rebels was now gone, though that of the kittypets loomed above them all still. Not long later and the body of Hyzenthlay was recovered after Mousefang told Stonestar what happened. Ravenheart was discovered to have been her lover then, his grief profound. Twigshadow's heart ached for him, despite his disapproval of the tom having broken the Code. Normalcy began to spread throughout the clans again, with apprentices becoming warriors and kits becoming apprentices. Some cats were allowed to take on the specialized ranks they'd been training for. A moon after the rebellion ended, Riverclan sent runners to all three clans, carrying messages for the leaders. Twigshadow was curious but thought little of it. If his assistance was needed, it would be called for. The first gathering after the rebellion revealed that the leaders and medicine cats had been receiving signs and visions. These signs and visions insisted that some cats go on a journey, led by a specialized rank of each clan. Jaggedstep, Vixenhowl, and Dunestep were chosen as the representatives for Shadowclan. Ten days later and the twelve cats departed. Twigshadow wished them well and was curious to hear what they would find upon their return.

The kittypets showed their faces again, in a strange way this time. Dixie's body was found in Shadowclan, for she had died giving birth to three kittens. Shadowclan was not the best place for these kits, due to intense animosity. The kittens were sent to Windclan, with the hope that a new leaf was being turned. Twigshadow had hope that perhaps this would be true and that history would not attempt to repeat itself. A couple moons passed before the chosen cats returned from the Journey, sharing the truth of the clan's history. There had been a fifth clan once, Skyclan. The original leaders of the other clans had chosen to drive outsiders away and Skyclan had left due to this, wishing to keep peace. Dixie herself had been one of these cats. Twigshadow felt some form of disappointment that his ancestors had been so cruel, but what was done was done. A new territory had been discovered during the Journey, the beach becoming somewhere that cats could go now. Twigshadow rather enjoyed the beach and used it to his advantage to further strengthen his legs. Unfortunately life still wasn't completely without grief, for tragedies still happened. Smokefeather died from a cryptic pregnancy a few moons later. Stonestar decided to wait before choosing a deputy, wanting to make the right decision. In the end, she chose Piperstorm. Twigshadow questioned the decision, but respected it regardless. 

The next high rank to change wasn't entirely an unexpected one. Scarletmoon decided to step down from her position as medicine cat. Twigshadow had seen the stress she'd begun to experience... and his heart ached for her. She became an elder and it was then that he was faced by a fact that he hadn't quite come to accept. He'd never have a family with her. They may become mates, but kittens... they were out of the question. Surprisingly though? This didn't bother him... and there was a reason that it didn't bother him. He'd been so caught up in emotion, so caught up in wanting to fix himself and her, that he'd thought he loved her romantically... when he hadn't. He loved her dearly, but he wasn't in love with her, as he had originally thought. 


POSITIVE: Charismatic - Practical - Inquisitive

Twigshadow may have (in his opinion) lost his physical charm, but he still has a silver tongue, and he knows how to use it. He's a practical cat as well, knowing his limitations after being humbled during the rebellion. If something is too realistic or dangerous, he won't pursue it. He is quite inquisitive though and will push boundaries as much as is possible due to his curiosity.

NEUTRAL:  Analytical - Familial - Protective

Twigshadow is very analytical and perceptive- not much avoids his watchful eye. He's very observant, always thinking tactically. He's extremely familial... which is both good and bad, considering that he is loyal to them but also tends to show bias towards them. He's also become very protective of those that he loves... verging on overprotective.

NEGATIVE: Somewhat Dishonest - Unpredictable - Self-critical

Twigshadow isn't as dishonest as he was as an apprentice, but he's not afraid to twist the truth a bit either if he believes it's in the best interest of himself or those he cares about. It's hard to tell what Twigshadow is thinking, for he often displays one emotion but may actually be feigning in order to hide another. Twigshadow has lost the egotistical mannerisms he had as an apprentice and as a kitten. He's become somewhat self-critical, still trying to forgive himself for past mistakes.


Build: Twigshadow is a slender, lithe tom that sports the build of his father and grandmother. His ears are a bit longer than the typical cat's- well save for the one that's missing the tip.

Simple Appearance: A lanky multi-colored tom with blue eyes, large ears, and a kinked tail. He is covered in scars. One front and hind leg look wobbly.

Accessories: none

Limited Traits: Kinked tail; Disfiguring scars and permanent limp


PARENTS: Glaciersky X Cinderspark

SIBLINGS: Stoatfang (littermate); Frecklefrost; Sunstorm; Emberthorn; Skyfall



- Ibisstar and Tranceshadow (deceased; paternal grandparents)

- Sootcreek X Nettlestrike (deceased) (maternal grandparents)

- Raccoonstar; Partridgeholly; Vipergaze; Nuthatchwing; Cypresstongue; Swallowcrest (paternal aunts/uncles)

- Nightchaser (deceased); Flamestep (maternal uncles)

- Sandyhaze, Firecrown, Snowkit (deceased; maternal aunts/uncle)

- Magpiestrike, Sunsetsnap, Badgersnarl, Sagepaw (deceased), Martengale, Chestnutprance, Caterpillarlight (paternal cousins)

- Mantisflame, Finchfire, Smokefeather, Turtleheart, Flickerflight, Nightwhisper (adoptive maternal cousins)



MATE: none


"There is no stronger, more noble family. No other can compare." 

Twigshadow is very family-oriented and every one of them matter to him.


"It's still hard to believe that you're not here with us anymore. You were our matriarch and you'll never be forgotten." 

Twigshadow misses his grandmother dearly, though he knows that she is a constant watchful eye within Starclan. His respect for her knows no bounds, proof in his suffix.


[ Littermate ]

"You don't stand a chance, Stoaty. Just sit back and watch me fly through this apprentice crap, easy breezy."

"Welp, guess you did stand a chance. I totally still left you in the dust though."

"It's nothing short of a miracle that we both made it through, and I'm so glad."

Twigshadow is as close to Stoatfang as ever, joined at the hip and as thick as thieves.


[ Uncertain ]

"I don't know about you."

To put it simply, Twigshadow has divided feelings about Carminefox. He might have helped get him out of Shadowclan's hostage situation, but he struggles to trust him again.Â