


2 years, 5 months ago


как же сделать, чтоб всем было хорошо?

Bazhena /Бажена/



26 y.o.


Beloved cursed child, the black sheep - Bazhena is a skilled herbalist, following slavic pagan traditions of witchcraft and sorcery. She can make medicine healing most diseases, amulets warding off all the evil spirits, or just make you hot calming tea and listen about all the worries that linger on your heart.

Despite her usual somewhat grumpy appearance, she cares deeply about her friends and family. Bazhena has the mannerisms of a mother, who sometimes may be too strict, but who loves her child anyway.

She is my most favourite character, and basically became my sona <З

  • Forest and nature
  • thyme tea
  • pies
  • her extended family
  • winter
  • arrogancy
  • meat

Design notes

  • Her name comes from proto-slavic word "bažati" (still present in Ukrainian and Belarussian languages), and it means "beloved, desired child"
  • She wears ponyova dress. It consist of a long shirt and woolen skirt with a belt, and it was usually worn by married women. despite this, Bazhena isn't married.
  • Loose hair and uncovered head was a sign of indecency, but witches usually had their hair loose.
  • According to various beliefs, witches was divided on "inborn" and "taught", and "inborn" ones was considered stronger, having tail since birth.
  • She is mostly based on old slavic culture and mythology (before 10th century), so I prefer more ambigious term "slavic" to describe her inspiration source.

Bazhena is the oldest child in the family, having younger sister. She lives in a village in the taiga woods, inhabitated by those of her kind - cursed, fiend-like beings, witches and magicians, still following old pagan traditions. This is a refuge, accepting all those rejected by society.

Despite being called "cursed" by many from the outside world, she was raised in loving and caring family, and she tries to show the same amount of care and love to others around her.

She was born as a witch, so sorcery is like second nature to her. She can do various kinds of magic for others - not for money, but for some kind favor in return. But Bazhena refuses to do any magic considered evil, as she believes that this will return to her. All the "curses" she sends on you - nothing but empty words to scare off ill-intended people.


  • She can turn into a sheep, and that's her favourite way of resolving conflicts she doesn't want to participate in. Not the most healthy one, but you arguing with a black sheep is ridiculous.
  • She is strictly vegetarian.
  • Her favourite holiday is Kupala Night.
  • She doesn't like winter, but she admits that it has some charm in it's slow melancholy.
  • Her favourite pies are with cabbage.
  • Sometimes she calls herself Baba Yaga or her granddaughter for fun.

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love and joy of her life <З
sheep slavic witch