Kodiak (UFT/UFO)



6 years, 8 months ago



Name: Kodiak (He can also be called Kodi or King Kodi) 

Gender: Agender/No concept of gender

Species: Tundra forest monster

Personality: Kodiak is a huge, usually fluffy tundra monster that lives alone in the wild. He's extremely loyal, but isolates himself in the forests and in caves normally, because most people don't care to know him and run screaming at the sight of him. He's very rowdy and rambunctious and doesn't listen to any sort of authority. He doesn't really speak, but instead uses grunts, roars, and draws faces on his tail to communicate.

Appearance: Kodiak is larger than most both height and weight wise. He's got a very obvious belly, and a lumbering gait, and you can usually hear him coming by how clumsily he walks. When it gets hotter, Kodiak's fur sheds completely, going to a shaved state with thin, sparse hairs. Normally, however, his fur is big and bushy, from the waist up, and from the waist down is softer and thinner. He's 8-9 feet tall and 450-500 hundred pounds give or take, so he's also one big boyo.

Likes: Snow, the cold, caves, hunting, eating, stomping and roaring around, drawing faces on his tail, sleeping, making noise, being disruptive, fighting

Dislikes: Authority, the heat, being hungry, being forced to do things, being tired, vegetables, most humans, bright artificial lights, being startled, losing, being told to be quiet

When Drawing: NEVER DRAW SKINNY!!! it is a cardinal sin to draw this monster skinny! His horns are also optional and his arm splatter markings dont have to be exact! Also, when drawn he can have various lengths of white fur! it doesnt have to be all or nothing; feel free to have fun and experiment with his fur!