Heron’Strike (Heron)



2 years, 7 months ago


Name: Heronstrike (Heron)

Gender: tom

Sexuality: Bisexual

Rank: Ex-Warrior (Currently a rouge)

Age: 34 moons

Personality: Heronstrike values honesty the most. He is extroverted. In conversations, he is loud, aggressive and sociable. He is guided by his head, often logical and clear-headed. His world view is somewhat optimistic. He is flexible, protective, obedient, ambitious, obsessive and treacherous. Heronstrike is somewhat clever, which reflects in his decisions, skills and conversations. He is a wonderful storyteller and enjoys telling tales to an audience. Heronstrike doesn't talk about his opinions often, but when he does it is almost always in favour of war.

Backstory: Born within Guardian’clan, Heron’strike had always looked up to his leader Bear’Star. However his loyalty was in questionable side when he was group with a bad group who believed an Omen was justice of saving the clan only for it to be seen as a wicked cursed and ignored. Though Heron’Strike never shown his true colors until a battle broken loose. He of course became guilty for siding with a bad side yet vanished after the battle. However little was known of his whereabout until later discovered most him and a few traitors that were ex members to the legion (Villian side lead by Neptune’Stone that an ex-warrior but now a rouge leader) is taking shelter with a group of cats who as well suffer an attack like Guardian’clan has. But he is nervous on seeing Mistletoe’Star again considering he was one of her close friends yet an former clanmate of hers.