


6 years, 7 months ago


Name: Pamela

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bi

Pamela is a lot less timid than her older sister when it comes to romance. She's always trying to get a boyfriend or a girlfriend, and likes showing off to attract people to her. She isn't as interested in using magic as her younger sister is, but she does have a lot of knowledge on charms and ways to attract others. She loves attention, whether it be romantic or platonic, and tends to make a scene in any new place she goes. ("But only enough to get liven up the room. I'm a tasteful girl.") She doesn't usually keep her dates for a very long time, as she gets bored quickly if they don't suit her needs well enough, and moves on to someone else. Pamela loves to sing as well, and gets cash for singing gigs around her state.