
Zodiac Berry

Zodiac Cherry is the older brother of Thorn Cherry but younger twin of Cherry Pit. Unlike his optimistic brother, Zodiac is a pessimistic. It not his fault, Zodiac Berry and his brothers were throw out of their own home like trash. For years, Zodiac Berry lived with his brothers in a house with another family. When Zodiac Berry and his brothers were living there, Zodiac Berry tried to contact his parents, but he couldn't find them. Year passed, while Zodiac was at home taking care of Thorn, Cherry Pit came running in to tell his brothers that they can return home. Cherry Pit was excited, Zodiac Berry wasn't. Why were they telling them to return? Quickly, Zodiac and his brother packed up their belongings in their wagon. At last, they left their house. Zodiac wanted to stay because something was very wrong. Months passed, and at last Cherry Pit stopped the wagon. Zodiac Berry knew something was wrong. Their land was changed. The hills were gone, the trees were cut down to make houses, the water was somewhere. Zodiac Berry knew why they were called back. Leading the horses and cows to their old house, Zodiac Berry and his twin found out that their house was no longer theirs. Hours passed and Cherry Pit went to the city to find out what was going on. Zodiac Berry stayed in the wagon with Thorn. A few people were walking about and gave Zodiac and Thorn ugly stares. At last, Zodiac Berry asked a man if he knew what happened. The man spitted in Zodiac's face and called him a 'Mixed Bastard' Zodiac Berry was shocked and held onto Thorn Cherry who was crying. Cherry Pit came back and told Zodiac Berry the bad news. They lost everything, their home, their parents, and the land was taken away from them. That night, Cherry Pit put Thorn Cherry to sleep. Cherry Pit went over to Zodiac Berry to help him go to sleep because Zodiac has a insomnia. Zodiac didn't all asleep. Cherry Pit rolled Zodiac Berry to face him. Cherry Pit saw his brothers pain filled face. Zodiac Berry begin to cry because of what they did to them and the other people with mixed blood. Cherry Pit laid Thorn Cherry's head on his lap patted Zodiac's back. Zodiac Berry cried himself to sleep. The terrible life was just beginning.