


2 years, 5 months ago


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Name N/A
Age N/A
Alias Ellsworth
Gender Male
Sexuality Asexual
Pronouns he / him
Role Hospital head
Race Phantom hybrid

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  • Normally completely greyscale, including eyes.
  • Depending on corporeality, becomes more or less opaque. Completely linear- at average, he's at like 50% opacity.
  • If he's more on the corporeal side, his eyes gain their color. They glow fairly brightly.
  • He's got carnivore teeth. All sharp and pointed. He also has visible fangs when his mouth's closed.
  • Digitigrade, with very thin legs.
  • Normally wears black, fingerless gloves. Fingerless for clawed nails.
  • Tail is very long and tipped with a fair amount of fur, the same consistency as his hair. Which is more fur than actual hair.
  • He can't change clothes. They are attached to his being. He can take the big coat off, but it'll snap back to him eventually.

A fairly friendly ghost as well as a fairly recent addition to the town of Blackwater. Ellsworth doesn't remember how he got here or his past, but he does know he was alive before entering the town.

He also came equipped with past knowledge and skills. Those included were enough knowledge and skill and practice to be a solidly working medical professional. He therefore easily took up the mantle as a resident doctor, and soon rose high enough to own the local hospital. It's there he makes his living in the town he's found himself in, despite his very unphysical nature. One would argue being dead has given him an edge on certain qualities in being in this profession.

He loves his work so. His main driving force is curiosity, a desire to learn what makes things tick. He's also a man of science through and through, so it's no wonder he latched so easily onto the prospect of biology and its intricities. He's kind, respectful, and caring enough to boot that he can easily be considered, well, a good doctor. He offers a steady hand and heart, a professional sort of laid-backness anyone could rely on easily.

Of course, not exactly being a member of this realm of existence does come with drawbacks in demeanor. He's normally a reserved, keep-to-himself kinda guy anyway. While genuine in his kind characteristics, he also tends towards apathy more often than not, inching towards a sadistic need to satiate whatever curiosity or scheme he's got floating around in his head. He enjoys picking apart ideas and people alike. In that way, he ping-pongs between extremes: tending to those in his care with utmost vigilance and respect to tending towards sadism and various levels of dissection, being vastly indifferent towards others to being possessive over things/people he cares about, keeping an ant farm and being good at it to giving a slow, painful death to an ant as he rips its limbs off one by one, to simply being a kind, well-meaning fellow to being an absolutely condescending prick.


solitary social
observent dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

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As a 'phantom', his natural state is completely incorporeal, invisible, and incapable of interacting with the world. If conscious effort is taken, he can reverse these characteristics individually or completely. The weaker he is, the harder it is. Abilities like going through solid things and floating is possible and common.


However, he's not a hybrid for no reason. He's a hybrid in the sense of being on two planes of existence as well as his mess of genes. His primary other half is of this plane, so he can be as well.

He is a hemovore: his only sustainment is through blood. The more he drinks, the more corporeal he becomes, until it's flipped: he remains firmly corporeal and can only access his normal abilities through conscious effort. This effect wears off over time, and he experiences no hunger. It's not his natural state, after all.


In his natural state as well, he has the ability to "leap into creatures" to possess them- this includes people, animals, as long as it has agency over its form. This requires incorporeality, so he's unable to do this while corporeal without conscious effort to become incorporeal.

He'll have to wrestle for control if whoever he's possessing is conscious, which can vary depending on the mental fortitude of the subject. Usually it's easy. He can also take up a backseat position, being simply a voice in your head that can wrestle for limited to complete control at his so choosing. Irises of a possessed being will fit to match his: yellow on the right, blue on the left, and glowing.


This gets easier the more blood he consumes, though it's possible regardless. It doesn't work on something he's possessing- or wears off once he possesses them- and can be used while possessing. If one has their guard lowered or if they're willing to listen, the easier it is as well. Eye contact isn't necessary, but helps immensely. While actively attempting, the subject is drawn to eye contact through voice and sight.

Subjects successfully caught will follow commands, the level thereof depending on how hooked they are. Emotional changes are possible with a command too, and is commonly used to calm one down- whether to make them listen more or to simply help.

one weird hybrid

This guy is filled with so many little bits and bobs of various characteristics belonging to different species.

- Digitigrade, capable of going on all fours.

- Has long fangs perfect for piercing skin to draw blood.

- Can't be in sunlight for very long if corporeal/visible. It feels wrong and he gets bad burns.

- Produces black smoke from mouth when experiencing strong emotions. He can do it on command, too. Its intensity and amount depends on emotional state.



Sweet Dreams, Timaeus
死神 - 米津玄師
It's Raining Somewhere Else - Toby Fox

  • Keeps a lot of plants. He's very good at it, too.
  • Likes pulling small pranks on those he's comfy with. It's easy to do, since he's invisible most of the time.
  • He doesn't require sleep. He can barely manage to stay on any comfortable sleeping medium anyway.
  • Huge cat person.
  • Hoards medical equipment for his own personal uses.
  • Enjoys seeing the world around him, though he tends to be completely invisible on his excursions.
  • Steals most of the stuff he owns. What are business owners gonna do, swat at the floating piece of merchandise that's casually leaving the store?
  • Morally grey motherfucker bitch boy.
  • Normally hates physical contact, but once you're deemed "his" he's like an affectionate cat.

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Aesthetic Dark cities, smoke
Alignment Chaotic neutral
Sin Greed
Virtue Patience


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Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate. Elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet nulla facilisi. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.

Varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui. Orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus!