Aeskul Ananta



2 years, 5 months ago



sigil virga
bldcaste jade
bldclr jade #078446
workgeneral medical worker

alignment chaotic neutral


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Name Aeskul Ananta Age 9 sweeps
gender androgyne pronouns she/he
orientation asexual lesbian screen name putrescentCaduceus [PC]
moon Derse classpect Mage of Space

typing quirk PC: < y0ur w0rds are a bit empty, it's hard t0 tell if y0u're being h0nest! >
PC: < y0u try y0ur best to appear unassuming and kind- and y0u are!- but there's 0nly s0 much y0u can d0 t0 c0ver up what y0u want t0 d0. >
PC: < s0cial situati0ns aren't exactly y0ur f0rte, but y0u're s0cially acceptable en0ugh t0 get by. > >and get what y0u want<
strife specibus DARTGUN-BLADEKIND
Aes prefers long-range combat, firing various vials of venom and other substances depending on the occasion to get unsuspecting and suspecting targets alike to reach the condition she wants them in. However, she doesn't mind close-quarters combat when she knows she's in the advantage, and the knife worked into the dartgun is medical-grade and ready to do some work.
fetchmodus TUBE RACK
Item cards are converted into tubes and the item in them into a liquid. The tube is placed on a limited-space rack. In order to retrieve the item, it must be sufficiently pipetted using the provided pipette. Larger volume items need more pipetting and vice versa. Tubes can be organized easily on the rack.
Born early into her position as a rainbowdrinker through her lusus, she's long used to consuming mostly troll blood while the rest of her diet consists of.. shadily acquired meats. She also loves the sun, and uses that to her advantage to acquire her meals and subjects. She has increased physical capabilities.