Patricia Oakley



6 years, 8 months ago




  • straight outta compton new california. she travels across the states to the commonwealth in hopes of finding the institute.
  • has been in the long, painful process of becoming a ghoul for the last decade and a half. she spent forty years in highly-radiated parts of california with little regard to the repercussions. now her hair is falling out in heaps and parts of her body are literally decaying oopsie daisy 
  • after years of following leads, she runs into a followers outpost. the residents there tell her about a rumor out east; whispers the illustrious institute and their technological wonders. oakley figures if there's anyone that can help her from turning into a high-functioning zombie, its the fancy assholes hiding out in the institute.
    • she makes a "friend" while staying a brief time with the followers. a young man by the name theodore holiday insists on giving oak a helping hand on her long trip to the east coast. he believes seeing more of the wasteland could help in his research (primarily discovering more materials for medicinal purposes). he doesn't claim to be a doctor, but he admittedly is far more equipped than most. considering she is literally falling apart, oakley begrudging accepts theodore's company. they've been inseparable ever since. 
  • very rude, very opinionated, doesn't hide it at all. you don't like it, you can fucks with me m8
  • prior to becoming a medical train wreck, oakley worked as a gun for hire. she was a skilled gunslinger with a pretty good reputation of taking on nasty jobs. she has a few keepsakes of her most memorable exploits, which include three deathclaw teeth, a cazador stinger and the severed ear of a particularly heinous fiend leader.
    • she has since lost said raider ear since embarking east with theodore. she's convinced someone stole it. theodore has never been happier to get rid of something.
  • drinks like a fish, smokes like a stack, won't touch chems with a ten foot poll. theo keeps asking her to tone it down and oakley typically responds with "fuck you"
    • for all the shit she gives theodore, she would literally rip someone apart barehanded if something happened to him. he is the only person on the planet she cares about and god help you if you harm her cinnamon roll physically or emotionally.

Additional Info:

  • strength | perception | endurance | charisma | intelligence | agility | luck 

                9                  7                  7                   4                  4                 4          5

  • 5'9", A Living Breathing Train Wreck, Mrs. Steal Your Girl
    • no for real she will steal your girl, hide them wives (very persistent, very gay)
  • call her "pat" or "patsy" and she'll shoot you, swear to god. oakley is the only name that won't get you killed.
  • has a vulgar vocabulary. every other word is a curse 90% of the time. claims she could clean up her dialogue if she wanted to, but she doesn't so fuck off.
    • theodore has won multiple bets challenging oakley's constitution when it comes to this. she typically lasts anywhere between five seconds and fifteen minutes.
  • used to be extraordinary with a hunting rifle, but the ghoulification process has taken a massive toll on her vision. she's partially blind in one eye, and her "good" eye is barely passable. despite this, she's insistent that she's still a good shot. results vary.
    • oakley has recently taken to using dual revolvers instead.
  • becoming a ghoul is an uphill battle- particularly when you're in the midst of it. oakley looses hair in chucks and her skin bruises and cuts insanely easy. she looks like she hasn't slept in eighty years. also looks like she lost multiple fights with multiple blenders. most people assume she's terminally ill. she sometimes rolls with this assumption in a effort to milk free shit from people.
  • slurps down rad-away and rad-x like its going out of style. she doesn't think it does much help, but theodore is convinced it slows the ghoulification process. 
  • very angry about her situation even if she seems dismissive of it. fears becoming feral more than she fears death. has gotten drunk on multiple occasions and asked theodore to kill her if it ever comes to that. he says it never will but what the fuck does he know.
  •  as aforementioned, her eyesight is hot garbage. she has glasses but only uses them for reading.
    • has lost said glasses upward of 50000+ times. theo picks up glasses every chance he gets to replace pairs that oakley looses.
  • has never called theodore anything other than teddy, ted or teddy bear. rags on his masculinity constantly. would be an absolute fucking mess without him.

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