Peach Pinwheel



2 years, 6 months ago


As Minima said on DeviantArt:

"Meet Peach Pinwheel, youngest daughter of Snickerdoodle and Jackie! From day one this gal has been very loud and proud and not afraid to speak her mind anywhere and everywhere, even if it's not wanted or asked for. She can be very disruptive and brash, and often doesn't know when to stop or when she's taken things too far. That's not to say she's unlikable! Once she's your friend she's fiercely loyal and will defend you until her dying breath, even if you're clearly wrong. She also has a knack for cracking jokes, and can make a whole room laugh if she takes the time to slow down a bit. As previously mentioned, Pinwheel basically has no filter and says whatever comes into her head, often louder than the situation requires.  She doesn’t mean any harm, of course, she just lacks any tact and often doesn’t realize it when something she says hurts someone’s feeling or when she’s gone too far. This can result in her coming off as annoying, and sometimes she can make other ponies angry or sad without meaning to.  

Pinwheel will do just about anything to be the center of attention, which includes acting out or eating a worm someone found on the playground for a bet. “I bet two bits you won’t eat this worm.” “I bet you two bits I will.” She got four bits that day, and a crowd of schoolyard foals giving her their undivided attention. It was a win-win. This is just one example of things Pin will do for attention, and some might describe her as a class clown type. She’ll also blurt out snarky comments during class to garner a few laughs, much to the annoyance of her teacher.

Alright alright, now on to my  favorite part. Pinwheel’s deepest secret is that she acts out because  she feels insecure. She’d never admit it but she actually really resents her moms. As a younger kid she hated all the stares and whispers that followed their family everywhere because they were the town “weirdos”.  She got into scuffles on more than one occasion on this account. So, her reasoning was, if people were going to stare at her anyways, it might as well be for things she does, not the things her parents do. So this mentality developed into the slightly unhealthy attitude she has today. Her moms know something’s up with her, but they’re not sure what's wrong or how to help, and she refuses to talk to them about it. Pinwheel also hates helping them with their witchy things, and avoids it as much as she can. All she wants is to be a normal filly in a normal family, is that too much to ask for?? So since ponies are looking anyways, she gives them something to stare at."