Spectra Ringwood



2 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Wood Elf


Circle of Stars Druid




Reginald, Spectra, Theodore, Starlight, and Tykva, your little pumpkin minion friend are all escorted to Evergate. Beacon’s personal pocket dimension and HQ. They receive their needed care and are beginning the process of getting caught up with the present, as well as uncovering exactly what happened in the past, for those who check up on them, they were in for quite the story:
Nearly three centuries ago, Spectra, an elven druid from another world, had found herself and her bear companion shunted from her previous dimension after a plane-shift spell had gone wrong. Winding up trapped here on earth, in what would eventually become the Mirstone you all know today. She did what she could to survive and learned to thrive, at first her thoughts were to return home, but that quickly changed when she met Reginald. They were fast friends, then lovers, and eventually a family.
They set out to build the perfect home to raise their child, and did just that! Though they did little research of the land they built on beforehand. Unknowingly they had built their house atop a faerie circle. It’s never a good idea to piss off a fairy, and they certainly had. So much so that a curse was bestowed upon the house and its residents. Piece by piece, person by person, all fell and were claimed by the curse. Imprisoning them within the building, and like a hall of funhouse mirrors, they all became twisted versions of themselves. Including the fairy who had set it all in place. The Pumpkin King having been the remnants of his rage towards the injustice he felt, trapped within the same walls as his enemies.
They had all been waiting, hoping that someone would come along to help them, to free them. There were several accounts of attempted robberies and squatters while the house remained, but eventually all was quiet until the house was picked up and toured around.
They attempted to call out to others, though as they left the little pocket of magic that was Mirstone, their cries were merely whispers...until the house returned and you happened to come through.