


2 years, 10 months ago


Link to DeviantArt

basic information
name: Evanescence
gender: Mare
age: 4 years 10 months
sexuality: Heterosexual
breed: Frisian x Arabian x Thoroughbred x Paint
build: Stocky
physical details
height: 16 hh
coloration: Black
genetics: text here
markings: None
mane: Black
tail: Black
hooves: Black
eyes: Blue
scars None
physical health: Eyes very sensitive to light, partially blind during the day
personality depths
traits: Evanescence has quite a dangerous personality. No one should be dumb enough to call her safe or sane, but all those who are smart know never to call her crazy. She's got a a fiery temper that she isn't afraid to let loose, even on those twice the size of her. Fear and love are for those below her state of mind; murder and blood are what she believes in. She's got a wicked sense of humor as well, with jokes that involve faking her own death to causing the death of another. In her mind, nothing is better than bathing in the blood of an innocent, or wrecking havoc on a herd of Lights. She is very smart as well, and a prankster at heart, and knows just how to flaunt her beauty to get what she wants. Evanescence, though never spoiled as a child, always expects to get what she wants and doesn't tolerate disobedience. Simply things that may amuse others, like relaxing in the sun, she has no time for. She spends her days plotting, tricking, and working others until they bend to her every whim. Evanescence also hates sunlight with a passion. It hurts her eyes and she can't see very well. She prefers the silent shadow of the moon; that way, she blends right in.
mental health: Psychosis, sadism

history: Evanescence never really did fit in with the other foals her age. Any time her and her mother came across another family - they were loners, so it didn't happen too often - Evanescence would always end up hurting her 'playmates' - though she didn't call them that, she called them toys. That's all they were to her. Toys to play with, to experiment on, and to mess with. Her mother was sickened by her daughter's actions, but really couldn't do much. The mare had fallen ill a few weeks after Evanescence's birth, and was slowly weakening. Evanescence saw this, and began to plot. She wanted to experiment on someone bigger than her size, wanted to destroy someone who could snap her neck with a simple bite. But she knew she must wait, otherwise she would have no milk. She was bloodthirsty, not stupid! Eventually, the day came when she no longer needed her mother as much and Evanescence took the chance. At night, while her mother slept on her side, Evanescence quickly got to work. She brought her small black hooves down on her mother's cranium, again and again, hitting all the weakest points, until her mother lay dead, with blood pooling around her head and neck. The last thing Evanescence did was dip her muzzle into the crimson pool and draw 'pon her mother's hide; than, she bathed in her mother's blood and set off to find someone new to play with. After all, it's all fun and games until someone dies... then it's hilarious.

Eva was found in The Open Plains after killing a rabbit and taken in by Eminem (Phan), and was promised a position as a warrior when she was an adult. Thread (WE2). Sadly, he passed away before he could keep his promise. After that, she took to just wandering around Wild Equines. She was found again by the Light King at the time, Aranu (Indi), and she tricked him into thinking that she was a helpless little Light girl who had nearly been raped. She was invited back to live in Rain Forest Beach and accepted, figuring she would keep the good girl act up for awhile. When they got to Rain Forest Beach, she asked for a dimly lit place to rest and Aranu (Indi) led her to a cave where she could rest until it wasn't so bright out. Thread.

A few weeks after settling into her new home, Eva decided to pay a visit to her old one - Lachlan Breck. She was greeted by Kida (Indi) and her son, Keroscenic Hazard (Indi).
family bonds
Mother: Black
Father: Black
siblings: None
extended family: None
children: None
social ties
herd: Rain Forest Beach
rank: Court - Lady

mate: None
Aranu: A former Light King. He invited Eva to Rain Forest Beach after finding her in the Free Lands. Eva had pretended to be a mare that had almost been raped recently, tricking Aranu into thinking she was a Light.
Eminem: A former Dark King. The first equine that Eva met in Wild Equines. He'd offered to make her a member of the Dark Royal Guard when she came of age, but passed away before she was old enough.

stolen by: None

steals made: None

battles won: None

battles lost: None
additional information
actions: 002255
voice: 111111
muse: Medium
playlist: None
Manip by AllyAntidote (DA)