Sulfurhast - Requiem


Basic Info

Personally Designed

Valued at $20


Name:  Requiem
Sex/Gender:  Sexless/Female
Age:  3 as of uploading
Birthday:  April 20th
Zodiac: Taurus
Height:  6'2"
Orientation:  ???
Relationship Status:  Single
Species:  Sulfurhast

⚪ - Free Traits | ⚫ - Other Traits
⚪ - Hare Skull
⚪ - Goat Horns
⚪ - Hare Ears
⚪ - Hare Tail
⚪ - Hare Skull
⚪ - Hare Paws
⚪ - Black Sulfur Smoke
⚫ - Wings

Likes:  Hunting, their prey, flying, basking, storms, wind, lightning, dawn, historic architecture, precious metals, urban areas
Dislikes:  Dirt, stubborn/defiant prey, fire
Goals:  ???

Requiem is largely serene when in the right mood.  Stoic and elegant, she carries herself with dignity and strength.  However, she possesses a mean streak when it comes to her prey or those who challenge her might.  She can quickly turn into a fierce beast when she sees it necessary.


-  Will one day have a second form and several trait upgrades
-  Has only existed for a few years following her creation
-  While her four upper wings all fold in the typical fashion, her paw wings fold upside-down, wrapping around the front of her legs
-  She occasionally releases puffs of black sulfur smoke
-  When angered or aggressive the sulfur smoke becomes thicker and more prominent
-  May occasionally don herself in white robes and other flowing attire
-  Inspired by Apashe's music and album art aesthetics

Theme Song(s):
"Requiem EP" by Apashe

Voice Claim:  ??? (???)


Art Links:
Reference Sheet