


2 years, 7 months ago


Morningmist is a silver, black, and white she-cat with blue-green eyes.

Morningmist is the current Medicine Cat apprentice (ex-warrior) of IsleClan, a Clan descended from the remains of ancient SkyClan that live on an island of ruins. After killing a warrior named Ashbite due to her relentless nightmares about what he could become, she felt she had to repent and became a Medicine Cat.

However, one StarClan cat was NOT okay with this: Moth Flight. Ashbite was her last living descendant in IsleClan and felt disrespected when Morningmist thought she could use the med. cat position to clear her conscience, sending her a harsh warning during her initiation. Morningmist is constantly haunted by what she has done, with Moth Flight dangling it over her head whenever she can.

Morningmist's crime was unknown to all, until Cobrastar became a bit too nosy seasons later. He confided in her that he was up to this, that he kept thinking about the murder even after all this time...but he had no idea she was thinking of it too. One night, Moth Flight came to her again, offering up a warning: Either she confesses, or a Clanmate gets wrongfully accused. This leads her to Cobrastar, whom she can only plan on attacking in fear. She soon comes clean, and is forced to sleep where she murdered Ashbite for a moon. But...were her nightmares even true in the first place?

(Note: This is all from a dream where I was her. Moth Flight may be OOC because of this.)