Fontane Cabello



2 years, 7 months ago


Fontane Amaro Cabello, "The Swan"

Born: 1943

Age: 15 (1958)

Height: 5'11

Orientation: Bisexual, leans male.

Star Sign: ??????

The accidental son of a Spanish governor's wife and Lionel, Fontane was born both Albino and intersex, a true hermaphrodite. Having one teste and one ovary, and everything to go with both. Only his womb isn't really functional, and he'd never be able to carry to term, he is however fertile in both senses.
He was raised male by Mr. Cabello and his wife, unbeknownst to both of them that he was Lionel's son.

They find out when he's 15 from a blood test. Mr. Cabello kills his wife not long after and gives Fontane a week to disappear.
So he disappears to New York via boat, hiding in a shipment of coffins to get there.
He pops out and scares the life out of Otto Winters before running out into the wide-world of New York. (Otto:
Hiding from the Morandis until he can get a gauge on whether they'd be safe to approach or not.
And hoping he can make some sort of living in the mean-time with his violin.

As a result of living on the street, will eat literally anything edible that won’t make him ill. SO Raw meat is a no, but a dried scorpion or three day old cold and dry meatloaf are fair game.
He also earned the nickname "Mcdonalds Prostitute" from seducing people in return for meals... it was a rough two months.
He had found a place to stay. No electricity but the plumbing still worked and it was insulated.

By this point, Lionel has already been calm for eight years, but his reputation lingers. It takes Fontane two months of living on the streets before he cautiously approaches Arcanus at school.
Cane immediately realizes that Fonny is his brother. Just paler than most.
They take him in and nickname him the swan.