


6 years, 8 months ago


  • Name: Gayfeather
  • Species: Wickerbeast Hybrid (unicorn/standard wicker)
  • Sex: Male, he/him pronouns
  • Approx. Age: 23-25 human years
  • Height: 6' 11"
  • Likes: pretty girls / good food & drink / a good fight
  • Dislikes: bossy people / bigots / unfair fights
A young man who's faced a lot of prejudice since he was young due to his lineage.  Within the world of Osova, where wickerbeasts, fera, and humans cohabitate, hybrids are seen as something gross, like mixing food with pleasure.  As a result, Gayfeather never really knew his parents and was left on his own since he was very little.  He was picked up when he was about 12 by a rough group of mercenaries who worked as hired muscle as a an errand boy.  Being part unicorn however, while bringing no magic brought a great amount of physical strength, despite being a skinny little twerp.  This super strength allowed him to learn hand to hand combat along with a number of other combat skills from the group's leader.

Gayfeather is flamboyant and sociable, using his enthusiastic nature to worm his way into people's hearts.  He likes to be around others, cause it helps him not think about the hardships he's faced.  He's most comfortable around humans, as they don't give him the nasty glares that other wickers and even fera do.  Even within the group he lived with, they had their own prejudices against him despite his undeniable skill as a member of the group.  He met Tali when she came to the guild's office looking for hired help.  The guild members didn't want to bother with her, but Gayfeather took her up on the offer, despite the guild leader's distaste.  He hasn't left her side since.