The Aonrú



2 years, 5 months ago


Do you dare enter the forest alone, with baggage you do not need? This creature will not tolerate it, and your own fear of being alone may consume you. To seek solitude and to become isolated in chaos are different manifestations.  Are you ready to confront the fear of being truly alone, knowing no one is coming for you, and that only you are responsible for your emotions? This creature will teach you that without knowing who you are and accepting that authentic person inside, solitude will be a torture to you. Isolated from those that reinforce the persona you display in society, do you truly know who you are... and will it be the end of you?

This creature will not manifest if you are not alone. It also does not tolerate poaching and taking an unnecessary amount of bounty from nature. Only take what you need, or face the greed in your heart that grows this creatures hunger for negative energy.

In both scenarios where this creature manifests, it is drawn to both psychological and moral baggage. Your only protection is self assuredness should you venture alone, and not to take more than is necessary.