Orissa Magnus



2 years, 6 months ago


Orissa Magnus as Order Muscle

Lovable - Charismatic - Adaptable - Popular - Nosy 

  • Aspiring politician in law school. Is a practicing defense attorney despite still being in school and not having taken the bar exam yet
  • Extremely well liked and popular, embraces it fully but is unexpectedly blase/humble about it just because it's always been so normal for her (Is uncomfortable when are not about me?)
  • Wants to know the dirt on everyone and everything all the time (keeps tabs) like she's studying people
  • Very eloquent and charismatic, has seemingly endless magnetic charm
  • Good at figuring out what others want to hear and then saying it
  • Adaptable and flexible, great at thinking on her feet 
  • Manipulates others to maneuver society, not above blackmail 
  • An expert at getting what she wants with words 
  • Also an expert at damage control and talking her way out of things 
  • Has a bad habit of acting out and getting into scandals regularly, has an unpredictable/reckless streak
  • Has an expensive “smart briefcase” that bends space and is bigger on the inside 
  • #Feminism win! This soon-to-be corrupt politician is a woman 

  • Embodies the muscular system and symbolizes flexibility and adaptability 
  • Her order contains blueprints for Microdyna©, a microorganism taken in pill form as a sports vitamin. It quickly bulks muscles and improves elasticity, but taking too much at once causes total muscle atrophy
  • Has Microdyna flagellum on her forehead and tailbone
  • Has super elasticity- can stretch and bend her body parts. Bouncy and resistant to physical impact (cartoon physics). Fights mainly with her arms, which can become stretchy and coiled like springs. Extremely slapstick
  • 22yrs old
  • Name comes from oris (a muscle in the mouth area referencing both the muscular system and her silver tongue), and Magnus meaning "greatest"
  • VC is Ginger Grant (Tina Louise) from Gilligan’s Island

Motifs: Candy Pink, Muscle, Advertisements, Bacteria, Pills or Medicine, Cartoons