Windy Mondragon



2 years, 6 months ago


Windy Mondragon as Order Lung

Quiet - Stoic - Reserved - Serious - Disciplined - Modest - Polite - Stiff - Foreboding 

  • Prodigy fencer and pro athlete 
  • Demure and stoic. Very gentlemanly, intimidating and imposing in a beautiful/graceful way. Has great manners and an even greater sense of chivalry 
  • Extremely disciplined and in control of herself physically and behaviorally, but also very in denial about her bad habits
  • A goody two-shoes who is strict on others (is a tattletail) 
  • Extremely superstitious, wholeheartedly believes in karma and the hands of fate and does extremely weird shit to keep her luck on track
  • Methodical and set in her ways- has rituals and routines she follows without fail 
  • Has a perpetual straight face and has trouble grasping humor, doesn’t usually laugh at jokes even if she finds them funny. Often perceived as dispassionate or cold, but she does have feelings, its just her face/mannerisms. Very stiff and unsure of herself when it comes to close personal relationships
  • Is famous in some athletic circles but does her best to ignore the fact and stay far far away from fans (would never be intentionally rude to a fan though). Is a heartthrob but has absolutely no idea how to handle that like a human so she ignores it 
  • Dresses very fancy and puts a lot of effort into hygiene, a bit germaphobic. Likes to wear cologne 
  • Originally started fencing because she wanted to become a knight and protect people
  • Likes theatrics when it comes to her work and doesn't find LARPing or roleplay cringey at all. Sometimes talks like a shakespeare character and treats every competition like an honorable duel, even if it's rock paper scissors. Always honors the conditions of the duel and takes losses with dignity and grace 

  • Embodies the respiratory system and symbolizes dedication and discipline
  • Her order contains blueprints for the Filterworm, an aquatic serpent that thrives in polluted, low-oxygen environments. They are used as living water purifiers 
  • Has Filterworm frills on her neck and ribs when transformed
  • Has super speed- can perceive time slowed down and move faster than the human eye can track. Sometimes fights with her rapier 
  • 21yrs old
  • Name references "wind" as in breath, while Mondragon references Chinese lung dragons

Motifs: Golden Yellow, Lungs, Ribs, Gills, Serpents, Medieval Swords & Armor