


2 years, 6 months ago


Tudine as The Sponsor 

Charismatic - Eccentric - Creative - Sleazy - Self-Absorbed - Impulsive 

  • Alien designer and scientist from Prosopopoeia
  • Designs life forms for use as tools or accessories - takes big creative risks and makes unusual decisions compared to his peers. Is famous and celebrated for this but also criticized, has a lot of rivals/enemies  
  • Very imaginative and has big ideas, thinks outside the box. He fancies himself an artist more than a scientist 
  • Has a really abstract yet accurate/complete understanding of natural systems, both ecological and physiological. Often draws inspiration from one to design the other 
  • Self-important and thinks he is always right
  • Doesn’t always have his shit together, usually flippant and careless about the long term consequences of his actions
  • Is an important figure but is feeling washed up and midlife crisis-y
  • Sigma grindset
  • Sentimental, tries to deny it and not let it get in the way of his work or his image (it is seen as very uncool to have a heart on his homeworld)
  • Has a secretary named Dyaine and a supervisor named Dontobla 
  • Has a pet ethanol molecule named Dog
  • Any pronouns but people usually default to he/him (doesn't care because he has no concept of gender)

  • The galaxy is at peace for the first time in history, so the demand for Prosopopoeian life forms is plummeting. The government devises a plan to spark war again to bolster sales 
  • Tudine goes to Earth on vacation to spark his inspiration, accidentally loses track of his orders (orders = alien information storage device, blueprints for life forms). One ends up falling into the hands of Sorrel who accidentally merges with it and gets powers
  • Starts out sponsoring Sorrel and the other girls under the guise of them being special but in actuality is just using them as guinea pigs to see how they react to being merged with his orders. Grows to love and care for them despite his best efforts and eventually joins them in the fight against his homeworld's warmongering efforts
  • Hundreds of years old but mentally middle aged
  • Floats, can rearrange/pop off limbs in any fashion he wants (all Prosopopoeians can do this)
  • Name comes from "mutualism" (symbiosis) and "dynamo" (power generator)

Motifs: Primary Colors + Monochrome, Molecules, Cells, Planets, Anatomical Models, Chemistry, Abstract and Surrealist Art