Ludwig Hölle (Interview)



  • What is your greatest fear? Why do you think you have this fear?
    "Greatest fear eh? ah fuck, well, I ain't scared of many things...But I guess maybe losing a loved one? Just the thought of waking up and finding out that a person you love is gone forever, never again will you hear their voice, already brings a tear to my eye and a shake to my body."

  • How do you see yourself?
    "Me? I'm a fucking legend mate! I got a glowin' fuckin' halo and big ass wings!"

  • What events in your past significantly changed you?
    "Uh....whats in the past is in the past, can't do much about it so why let it change yer eh?... I also can't remember shit."

  • Are you extroverted or introverted?
    "Ohhh I love my friends!! I'm a big extrovert."

  • What is your outlook on life?
    "Life? Technically I'm dead, but I guess meeting all these different faces and personalities make my dirty deeds more interesting, I love this life!"

  • How private are you? Do you keep people at a distance? Or are you open and honest?
    "Oh...what is a secret? I have a big blabbermouth, can't keep any dirty secrets about me safe, whoops. I'm also very honest, maybe a bit too honest."

  • Are you good at communicating your feelings?
    "God yes, when I'm pissed, you'll fucking know, when I'm happy, you'll know by now that I won't stop hugging you!"

  • What do you think of law or authority over you?
    "What authority? Bahahaha!"

  • Are you intelligent? what do you know the most about?
    "...I can roll my tongue!!... I guess I know how to fly, do you know how to?"

  • If you can have any pet, food, and person. What would they be?
    "Pigeon, crumpets, and Silver!"

  • Describe yourself in less than 5 words
    "Beautiful, amazing, cool, human pigeon."

  • What quotes or mottos describe you the best and why?
    “Why should I care what other people think of me? I am who I am. And who I wanna be.” -Avril Lavigne

  • What motivates you? What dream, goal, vision, or belief keeps you going?
    "What comes, comes. The future will surprise me, so why end it?"

  • Where do you see yourself in the future? What kind of future would you want if everything in your life went right?
    "Still doin' what I'm doing, I love what my life is now, and I wish it'll stay like this."

  • How do you respond to intimacy? How do you act towards your significant other versus other people?
    "Hugs? fuck yeah! Anything more? Nah. My partner is okay to smooch me though, winky face."

  • What is your most important item?
    "My pocket knife! By god, I can't go on without it!"

  • What are you insecure about?
    "I guess my big lump that I call a tail can be quite annoying. Also, my bones are super light and fragile."

  • If betrayed by a loved one, how do you respond?
    "I'd drop em during a nice little fly."

  • How do you express yourself through your appearance?
    "I'm punk and rebellious, I think my fashion expresses that quite clearly!"

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses in terms of what you're/are not good at?
    "I can do knife tricks? uh...I can fly, fight, burn people...I can't do academic shit though, fuck maths!"

  • How do you react when you're alone with your first date? Imagine you're single if you're taken.
    "Oh good god, uhh....hold hands, snacks, crude humor, nothin' too fancy, I'd be very fuckin' shy though."