Nyx Camonte



2 years, 6 months ago



Name: Nyx
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Occupation: Villain/Criminal/Anarchist
Sexuality: Bisexual (Shy and quiet with females, loud and aggressive with males)
Zodiac: Libra
Pronouns: She/They
Quick Descriptors: Bipolar, depressed, self-hating.

Nyx was born into a family of whisperers, often known as medians, however this lineage is typically cursed to some affect to atone for their abilities. Typically, these traits or problems are ones you are born with, mutating as you get older but for Nyx, she was left rather normal, but had none of her whisperer abilities. Her sisters teased her, but tried to also be there for her when she felt like she was the odd one out. For most of the families whom were gift carriers, children were at the peak time to show off their power - which usually meant that the duds - children that had no powers, were usually the target of attack.

To avoid public humiliations - her sisters were quick to abandon her, labelling her as some sort of long lost cousin while they were at school to distance themselves. Unable to understand what exactly her sisters were doing - Nyx cheerfully followed along. However, as the years went on with the same games, and constant abuse - the once happy Nyx became a reserved and self-hating Nyx. She kept herself from everyone, even her family and friends that new her through the years. The voices - they grew louder with each passing day, something she originally thought were just head thoughts - however she slowly realized her curse as strange markings began to form on her arms in the shape of eyes.

Worth: $400

Nyx Camonte

18 ✦ Female ✦ Criminal

Bipolar Depressed Anarchist


Name Nyx Camonte
Age 18
Gender Female
Pronouns She/They
Resides --- (TBN)
Affiliation Variant/Deviant
Sexuality Bisexual (Shy and quiet with females, loud and aggressive with males)
Zodiac Libra
Occupation Villain/Criminal/Anarchist
Deviant Whisperer Vent Sona Anthro/Human Jinx Mentally Disturbed Lonely Forgotten Lost


  • ✦ Guns
  • ✦ Ghosts
  • ✦ Her Partner
  • ✦ Her Sister
  • ✦ Art


  • ✦ Loud noises
  • ✦ Bugs
  • ✦ Dark Rooms
  • ✦ Being alone
  • ✦ Eyes


Height 5'2"/157.48cm
Build Lean Muscle
Eye Color Red/Sharingan
Hair Color Black
Hair Style Ponytail with a bit of her front hair out.
Fashion Sense Grunge/Militaristic
Demeanor Rude, hard to know, passionate, able to work on getting a task done.
Body Mods Sceptum, 3 piercings on her left ear.

Design Notes

  • Always wears her coat - in memory of her mother along with her father's anbu vest. Will part with it if need be but gets visably anxious.
  • Her piercings are only on her left ear (viewer's right ear).
  • Her sharingan is always up, they never go to the standard Uchiha black eyes.


Season Spring
Time of Day Night
Scents Flowers
Sounds Fire Crackling
Colors Purple
Plants Cherry Blossoms
Motifs Summer Rain
Theme Song Heather - Conan Gray


  • Is an overly protective girlfriend but tries to act cool.
  • Secretly enjoys walks on the beach but will kill you if you even mention it.
  • Has 3 cats in her small 1 bedroom apartment.
  • Is an orphan but is okay with that because fuck parents.
  • Takes you out to dinner just to tell you they didn't bring their wallet.


Tsubaki Uchiha is a kunoichi within the hidden leaf village (Konohagkure) but was originally born in a outcasted Uchiha compound in between Sunagakure and Konohagakure in the Land of Rivers. With her parents escaping to this refuge away from the strict clan, she narrowly escaped the slaughter of her distant family members only by the fact that she was banished from the prestigious clan. However, now that the clans few remaining survivors were aware of their brethren's demise - many were quick to claim back their power within the clan leading to the death of her parents. Tsubaki by the age of 2 would be an orphan, raised at the compounds home for the unfortunate children. By the age of 10, Tsubaki was given the choice of staying at the compound longer, or moving back to her birth right village of Konohagakure which is where her life started. Grabbing her 3 cats and a bag of her mothers old clothes, which is the longer coat with her clan insignia and her fathers ANBU uniform, and made her way to her new life.



Jin Kazane Girlfriend

Jin Kazane is Tsubaki's squad mate and one of her biggest inspirations for improving herself no matter how strong she gets. Jin's birth given abilities and strength gave her a head start - meaning that Tsubaki has to try that much more to prove that she can be just as strong and powerful through willpower and persistence alone. This, to Tsubaki's suprise, is always supported by Jin - in fact she goes out of her way to train and work with Tsubaki in order to help her to her goal. Tsubaki admires and respects her - letting her in closer than any other person she knows because Jin is someone who always wants to see her succeed no matter how Tsubaki is.


Name relation

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Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dictum ligula nec gravida posuere. Nullam fringilla suscipit accumsan. Suspendisse aliquet vehicula nunc, tempor efficitur velit venenatis lobortis.