☠️ZEPHYR☠️'s Comments

anyone in here? https://toyhou.se/lecterheart/characters/folder:3337812 if not i can offer $80 in a payment plan!! $40 today and $40 next week friday :D

hey!!! im down for the money offer ^_^

alr!! i can send you the $40 now and then reply back here again next week when i get the other $40

okay!! my paypal is [email protected], itd be nice if u could send it thru friends nd family!!

sent!! will reply back here again next week with the rest of the payment :D

oh hey im sorry for the delay it completely slipped my mind to give the other $40, i can send rn for this guy!!

omg no worries dude!! and ofc ^_^ u know my email 

2 Replies

would you acep  rt

art* if not, see nayone u like in my th? i can always turn them flat faced 

what arts r u willing to offer?

how much r they worth?

Never mind i saw, i could offer a halfbody (same worth) or a small custom

ill think abt it!

3 Replies