Epoch Vegestul



6 years, 8 months ago


Timeweaver Epoch Vegestul
 "Epoch" for short

Age: ∞
Specie: Sand Dragon. One of the last dragons to be hatched in my existence. (Time gets wonky.)
Occupation: Ex-Timeweaver, Leader of the Vantr'sa. A group dedicated to collapsing time.
Voice: Deathwing, World of Warcraft 

Physical Attributes 

Height (Toe to horn):  
- Pre-Excom: ∞
- Post-Excom: 1 AU
Length (Face to tail):  
- Pre-Excom: ∞
- Post-Excom: 4.5 AU
Weight: Constant of 9 Solar masses Rather fluffy dragon, despite being sand. His fluff can be compared to that of a Cat's fur, but with a coarse element to it. His eyes are a vibrant blue with slight streaks of bright teal. His jaw juts out due to his severe under bite.
Witnesses describe him as a flowing beauty in the wind, with a roar that makes bones tremble. His body looks flowy and wispy in the wind as he flies through the air. However, his voice is rather rough and horrible, hostile and full of hate.

"Brief" History

As said, he was one of the last dragons to be hatched, along with his sisters, Alran and Vanistya; and his brother, Garrvi. They were left to fend for themselves after their father abandoned them on the last beacon of hope for the dragon race. 'Twould have worked and dragons may have been saved, if the seed of jealousy and a hint of work from the elders weren't planted by a familiar face.
Obtulon, the first Void dragon, had wormed his way into the minds of the sisters, making jealousy run through their blood. That jealousy turned to hate as he hinted at them killing one another. Alran came out victorious over her sister, and she stood over her flightless brothers.
In a fit of bravery or stupidity, Epoch took his smaller older brother and lept off the beacon, into the swirling masse of hell they are going to witness. Below the fury of the fighting dragons below them. Below the ruins, strongholds, centers, standouts of their once mighty civilization. Below the swirling clouds beneath their civilization, is the vast Erii Desert, the old homeland of their race. The two witnessed it all, the brutality of their race, their horrors, the bloodshed of the ongoing war, before hitting the sand below. The two survived, but Garrvi sustained horrible injuries that would leave him dead. Epoch was not out of the woods yet either, as both his pre-adolescent wings were shattered and mangled as he hit the sand.
When he awoke, he saw the unfortunate position his brother was in... and an unfamilar face. One that looked young but their eyes had seen it all.
Epoch was given the choice. Ether stay as you are and survive, but witness the death of your brother and live out the rest of your live as a lizard, or come and be the mans successor and let your brother live with his injuries fully healed... at the cost of your existence. Epoch took the latter option with little hesitation, and was brought to a world in which he could not fathom. It was a massive weblike place with creatures unlike that of home. Each streak of blue was a timeway, created, existing, or destroyed.
He was trained and taught the way of the Timeweaver, he was told that he could never visit the corpreal realm ever again after he is given the power. He was eventually told that he will be forgotten, as when given the power of the timeweaver, all of his timeways will collapse into one and infinite single point. Epoch came to terms with this much quicker than those prior who were chosen for the job... and finally the day came, and exactly what was told, happened.
He went through all of his duties day in and day out. Creating and destroying timeways. Observing from afar and keeping a watchful eye out for anomalous behavior. Until one day... he couldn't anymore. He has viewed all the bloodshed of his race. He watched the war hundreds of times over and over and could not think of a way to undo or prevent the damaged time scar that is caused by that... unless- Unless he prevents it himself.
He planned it out. It was going to be only a one second intervene, but not even that was to ease the punishment of interfereance with the future and the Eharian curse. The punishment should have stripped him off everything except his life, but he didn't have that. To escape the imminent demise of the power removal, he escaped through the Space-time barrier.
Left mangled and ruined, timeline ripped to shreds, and fallen... he now wanders about, trying to peace together the shattered remains of his former self, awaiting the day for his brother to be born once again, since he is now living in the past.

Unami-Soul sharers

Atriss Ganon - A member of the Immortal kings and a mighty would-be-father of the Dragon race.

Fe Reglisuut - Eharian Child gifted with the master's forge. She is essentially the existence's blacksmith.

Epoch VegestulEx-Timeweaver and mighty dragon. Bit time-crazed due to having all that time energy coursing in him boundless.

Erthrodan Magilus - Proud member of the mighty Overar race! Deceased due to soul being shredded into nothing. The core fragment has been retrieved by the Overseer counsel.

Rinae Thi-Ractin - A sand dwelling merchant with the ability to travel between realities. Lost.