Andrei Novichkov



2 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Andrei Petrovich Novichkov (Андрей Петрович​ Новичков)


Andreika (Андрейка), Andryusha (Андрюша)








Pyotr Rodiovich Novichkov (father), Oksana Valentinova Novichkova (mother), Alexey Novichkov (younger brother), Tatiana Novichkova (younger sister)


NB Piemont-Liguria


Old Guard, Winter Guard


Old Guard Squadron 2, Winter Squadron Leader

Assigned Ship

RMS Empress of Ireland


The oldest son of a wealthy family with a background in nobility in the russian city of Pevek, Andrei was raised to inherit the family business and most of its money- as a result, he was essentially raised as a single child by his parents and was unable to form a proper brotherly bond with his siblings, instead perceiving them as strangers or, at max, playmates that happened to live in the same house as him. Spoiled but raised under a rather stern rule, Andrei grew into someone who was both used to having everything at the snap of a finger and willing to defy rules and challenge others for the sake of entertainment and rebellious value.

Andrei enrolled in the military as part of a family's men tradition, since his father, grandfather and so on all had at the very least served the country for five years before being discharged with a document of honor and a special medal. Andrei was quick to accept it, facing it as a challenge that could be boring at worst and thrilling at best, as opposite to his brother Alexey who wasn't too fond of the idea. Originally he was going to be sent to Europe’s continental base, Avalonia NB, but the war left many of the travel routes paralyzed or flat out too dangerous to cross. Instead he and his brother were sent to the closest base to their city, that being Piemont-Liguria NB in Hokkaido, Japan.

Andrei grew into a social butterfly with an air of ‘cool’ around him. Taller than most and with a strong presence that gave way to a rather amiable behaviour, it was a matter of time until Andrei became a widely popular student and, later on, pilot. His reputation however was a double edged sword: while liked and admired, he was infamous for being a bit of a cold heart-breaker. With confidence in his looks, he’d freely flirt and charm those around him and then treat the relationship as if it was little more than a short-timed entertainment, much like all other things he could buy and then throw away the moment he became bored with it. Andrei knew that people would fall for him, so might as well get some fun out of it. This behaviour kind of strained his relationship with his younger brother, Alexey. As for his younger sister, Tatiana, the two never had a chance to actually form a sibling bond and as a result he oftentimes doesn't acknowledge her existence, even more now that she stayed home with they were sent to the military.

The young man was to be a common pilot, but after showing a distinguished knowledge in dealing with threats and other situations that involved ice or snow, he was given honors to stand as the winter squad's leader with the assigned ship Empress of Ireland, an older but reliable model that had been operating in the base for years but was stationary due to not having a pilot.