


2 years, 6 months ago



Put a quote or some lyrics here, keep it short! Two lines looks best.

An aspiring street performer who wishes to follow in his father's footsteps to build his own confidence and his father's legaacy. Although he has difficulty trying to get himself out there and perform for people. Since he learned he can make illusions, he's decided to give it a try but instead, gets caught up into a situation no thanks to a certain cat girl.


Said situation, in this main setting, is a place called the Cascade Cabaret- a mysterious dimensional world looking for performers. Despite the hesitance he still holds, he's roped into it, since he still wants to get back home and now Kat considers herself his assistant.

Other Notes:

Notable Relationships:

Kat: A young girl who Callum crosses paths with - no thanks because she plays a trick by stealing his supplies case from him. The two had neve met prior. However, Kat seems to find something interesting about him which is why she chose that way as the way to catch his attention.

Misc Trivia:

  • Likes: Magic tricks, ice cream, pigeons
  • Dislikes: Hazy weather
  • Associated Pokemon Type(s): Psychic
  • Currently involved in C3T OCT
  • Audition