
2 years, 6 months ago


Sal the Emo
Age 19 Years Old
Height 5'5" (165.10 cm)
Gender Transmasc Demiboy (He/They)
Orientation Abrosexual
Race/Species Human (White Native)
Worth TBD

Reading & Journaling

Playing Guitar & Piano

Listening to Music

Cats & Bats :)

Other People bhfnbc

Summertime & Fireworks

Leaving His Room lol

Dogs & Most Bugs

Kind-Hearted . Stubborn . Reserved

Despite how hard-headed and cold Sal may seem on the surface, he's really a very kind-hearted boy who merely has trouble properly expressing his emotions and much prefers to spend all his time alone than with other people. Growing up with only his dad, who, for as much as he does try and be there whenever Sal needs him, isn't exactly always the "best" parent and is usually quite busy, Sal has always been rather independent, often going out and doing things away from home when he was younger whenever his dad was preoccupied with work or friends, even if he wasn't supposed to leave the house. Thankfully, he's always had his best friend and nextdoor neighbour, Ren, to prevent him from getting into any situations that could potentially get him hurt, as he's not exactly an expert on thinking before acting, his stubborn nature making it nearly impossible to convince him to change his mind once he's set on doing something. Although he's never really been the most friendly on the outside, he formed a connection with Ren from a very young age, the two continuing to be best friends as they aged despite falling into different alternative subcultures, Sal having always felt like Ren is the only one who really understands him- though he does definitely wish that him and Ren could be more than just friends, but is far too stubborn and bad at talking about his emotions to ever properly express this to him. In fact, despite Sal being a much more emotional person than Ren who gets irritated quite easily and feels things very deeply, they have quite the habit of bottling up all those emotions instead of just talking about them or expressing them normally, usually taking their anger out through journaling or playing their guitar. They don't like to leave home much, almost always being cooped up in their room, really only going outside to do nature-related activities whenever they're with Ren, who always tries to get them more out of their shell. Even though Sal can be quite off-putting at times, being a natural recluse who simply doesn't like talking to others, they have a very soft and kind heart and hate to see anyone- animal or person- struggling or in pain (especially elders and children), to the point where, when they do go out, even if they want to be alone, they often still find themself in the company of other people just because they wanted to help them. They're certainly not the type to express much affection out loud, but ultimately they just want to see others happy, though they have quite the trouble wishing this same happiness for themself, something that Ren is actively trying to help them with as it stands.

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