


9 years, 2 months ago







Basic Info

Species: Experiment
Animal: Field Mouse
Birthday: November 8th
Orientation: Straight
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 140 lbs
Occupation: Pirate/Healer
Weapon: Content
Mate: Vek'Mel
Theme: Link a song
Available for RP?: SFW: Yes / NSFW: No
Estimated Worth: $45 (commission value only)
How I got this character: Self Designed - 2010
Original Designer: Anniekitty


  • Sunshine
  • Being held/cuddled by those bigger then her
  • Flowers
  • The ocean
  • Vek'Mel


  • Her friends getting hurt
  • Being cold
  • Loud noises
  • Violence
  • Predatory animals


Abigale was born an orphan and left at them temple of Koi in the center of the Earth region. She was raised by the head priests, who didn’t care that she was an experiment rather than a Mahdis. Abigale grew up with very little friends and no interaction with the outside world, only those that visited the temple. She spent most of her time reading, praying, and tending to the shrine. When she was 8 years old, she was kidnapped from the marker near her temple by slaver traders. She escaped with the help of another slaver and was able to get back to her home in a few days. But after that point she didn’t leave her temple again. When she was 14 years old, Star came to the temple and stayed a few nights. During that time, the temple was invaded by humans, who slaughtered everyone they could find. Star and Abigale were able to hide and wait out the attack. Afterwards, not wanting to stay in the temple any longer, she followed Star and became a member of her crew. Star taught her everything she knows in the end about being a pirate. While her teachings as a priests of Koi teach her to forgive, she still doesn’t trust humans. She's a very good pick pocket and an even better distraction because of her adorable nature. She hates to fight though and if it comes down to it, she's going to run and hide rather than fight someone. She's very timid by nature but if given the chance and pushed to that point, she can be quite fiery.


Abigale is incredibly shy and easily scared. She's always on edge and doesn't like to talk very much. When she does, she's prone to stuttering. Abigale is very secretly very sexual and tends to always be thinking about naughty things. She's usually very turned on... all the time but has gotten very good at hiding it.


  • She's naturally very afraid of Vek'Mel, but loves him too much to care.
  • She has very sharp front teeth like a rodent.
  • She's very protective of her tail and ears.
  • She's very sensitive to touch.
  • When startled, she squeaks.
  • She really loves making flower crowns.
  • She knows how to read, write, and speak Ancient Mahdis.


1464525_LiOpdljCuZxyC4V.png Vek'Mel
3149827_vBtsgVFzKa2XuBP.jpg Augmentus
1466021_pccT8NW4SR4z9gE.jpg Shooting Star
1464545_EPCNNCpRg55z7bf.png Helth
8035252_oE4FbcEL14RnJ8H.png Kei Shui