


6 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Faun / Satyr








Kalayavan is difficult- a twisted mind developed by questionable upbringing. He hardly ever had anyone oppose him, and everyone that did lost their life in a rather onesided fight. Thanks to that, he's not used to being told no, and wouldn't tolerate it if anyone dared to. He has always been a loner, not originally by choice, and still is. Kalayavan hardly ever speaks and settles for hard stares instead, usually expecting that others get what he wants just from that. Surprisingly, he doesn't have much of a temper- being loud and angry doesn't suit him. His fury is cold, calculated- and his punishments accordingly unpredictable. He now strikes fear into the hearts of his fellow villagers without trying. Beneath his facade and all the rumours around him, he's a little clueless about many things. Never having seen the 'real' world past the mountain ridges, he has trouble interacting with strangers (if they live to interact). He also fails to understand many basic things, much like a spoiled rich child would. The seriousness of death and concepts of pain completely go past him. As do feelings of love, friendship, and happiness.


Growing up was easy. His family had always been known for their strength, it wasn't a real surprise that he would continue honoring his bloodline. Early on, it was clear. That he was going to be better than the other kids, stronger and bigger and thus better. Unfortunately, that led to him spending his childhood in soltitude. Never learning proper behavior, never being called out for his faults- his parents were proud, too proud to show him his place. To hinder his developement. His parents also were the first ones to leave. And when he noticed that more and more were trying to get away, there really was only one thing left to do- stop them with what he knew best: violence. While not a leader or king, Kalayavan (a title he earned after that particuarly gruesome night) set up his reign of fear. And word spread quickly.So quickly in fact, that at some point, the Southern Faun offered one of their sweetest females to him in hopes for continued peace. Kalayavan is not his actual name, but a title. It means "As Horrible as Death". He mutilated his mouth himself. His reasoning was that he wanted to know what scarring feels like, and to possibly underline his threatening appearance. His teeth are all pointed. They have always been that way. His eyes are red. People whisper it's because he's seen so much blood in his life already. It's probably the lingering effect of a disease though- he doesn't see too well into the distance now, but managed to balance it out with his other senses. He has never received a battle scar. He strongly believes he's invincible. The red on his face is usually drawn with blood that later dried. He's tall, even for Faun standards, but not shockingly so. His efficient brutality in battle is what makes him a force to be reckoned with. Kalayavan tends to behead his enemies - it's also his favorite form of punishment.