


2 years, 7 months ago


Name: Wendel-Gotz | Sonneylon

Current age: Ancient

Gender: Male

Race: Demon

Setting: There are no saints here

Brief Information:

The true name is Sonneylon. He was close to the Lord God and accompanied him. He was a light angel with white wings and golden hair.

At one point, he was under human influence and defiled by their anger and hatred. He was faced with the fact that not everything is good everywhere, and somewhere the name of the Lord was defamed at all, because he did not help in any way. He returned to Paradise with a bad feeling, but after a few days they noticed spreading black spots on him, which turned part of his hair and skin black, and in some places the feathers fell out altogether.

The Lord himself threw him into Hell with the words that Sonneylon had another task in store for him, which the angel could not accept, but now he had to serve Lucifer. In a short period of time, he completely lost his previous appearance and turned into an ugly demon. After a while, he escaped from hell and began to live with people, which he was also not welcome, but neither the Lord nor Lucifer touched him.

Sonneylon has the ability to reveal people's real thoughts and feelings, and amplify other people's hatred. Thus, under his influence, a person can stop faking and say everything in good faith to a hated person, therefore, quarrels often occur in places where there is a Goth.

It was the meeting with Ankel that touched him, because when revealing the true feelings of that one, he did not change in any way, remaining pure in front of himself and the demon

"You scare me, but you are beautiful and I can't take my eyes off"

Sonneylon was struck by sincerity and kindness