


6 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Full name: Rana Sasaki

Age: 18


Name: Rana

Quirk: Cat and Frog abilities.

- Rana can swim well in water and is good at reaching high places with her strong jump. She can squeeze through tiny places ( probably because her flat chest. ), is flexible, can hold her breath pretty long under water, and many more. The down side of this is, She can't swim and is too scared to try. Rana also has a fear of heights. This makes her unable to use her abilities to its full potential. Also fun fact, If her frog ear/eyes get cut off it will hurt her real bad, but they will regrow in about 3 days.

Personality: Shy, Nice, Quiet, Nervous, Paranoid.

Hero Name: Hasn't decided yet.

Hero Suit: Still in the works. She is just wearing a substitute outfit for now until she figures out how she wants her costume to look like.

Story Behind Her Fears: When she was 10 while at the beach with her parents, a huge wave pulled her into the deep area of the ocean. Her father saved her, but ever since then shes been traumatized of huge amounts of water, like beaches or pools. Her fear of heights was formed whenever she was caught by a villain who took her to the sky and dropped her. Of course she was saved by a hero, but shes been traumatized of heights ever since. ( age 14 )

Family: Her mother has a cat form and her father has a frog form. Rana is their only child.

Mother: Adalina Cortez ( She's a online teacher. )

Father: Isao Sasaki ( He's a writer. )

Parents info: There both Normal parents, who never were heroes. They met online and fell in love, they texted each other and webcam chatted. 

They soon decided to live together. Adalina moved to Isao place and they loved each other so much that they decide to have a child. That's how Rana was born.