Brian Liu



2 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Brian Liu










175cm / 5'9


[Brian Liu] 

(See above for more fields)

[Ethnicity] Wasian

[Sexuality] Heteroflexible 

[Classification] N/A

[Clearance Level] 1

[Occupation] Intern (Scientist)


Brian is usually seen as collected and gentle. He maintains a mellow demeanor despite being a mishap away from his 13th reason; similar to a powder keg on the verge of exploding. Due to his plain appearance, others are often taken aback by his strange, almost hysterical, reactions--along with his frequent deprecating comments. While Brian acts obedient, it’s not without protest. Whether it’s complaining about his boss or just lamenting, he’s surprisingly irritable, most likely due to his lack of sleep. Despite his complaints, he works meticulously, to the point of straining himself. His habit of overworking tends to line with his irrationality-- acting or speaking without forethought. This trait often lands him in trouble, whether or not it was brought upon himself. 


Standing at a height of 5’9, Brian holds the appearance of your average tired office worker. Dark haired and sickly pale, he has noticeable eyebags and double eyelids. Additionally, he has a beauty mark under his left eye. He’s somewhat slim, and rather frail looking. Commonly used adjectives for him are ‘sad looking’ ‘pathetic’ ‘weak’, etc.


+ Rare occurrences of normality in his life

+ Store bought meals (convenient and tasty!)

+ Coffee+ Rainy autumn weekends


- Tall buildings with open windows (bad experiences)

- Being called to do menial tasks

- Heavy traffic

- Incorrect weather forecasts


  1.  Brian has horrendous luck to the point where it interferes with his daily life. Whether it’s getting caught in a convenience store during a robbery, or becoming the target of a kidnapping by accident, nothing he does ever seems to go right. With such a life of misfortune, it’s no wonder he’s resigned to his fate.
  2. While he doesn’t exactly enjoy paperwork, he does like doing office work to keep his mind off of his struggles. It’s somewhat of a coping mechanism that allows him to stop thinking about whatever causes him misery. Unfortunately, the endless paperwork is another reason for said misery, so it’s a seemingly endless cycle of depression.
  3. His greatest desire in life is to live as a capitalistic slave, enclosed in a cubicle and living office life. Unfortunately, he can’t even have such a luxury.