Raina and Akron



2 years, 6 months ago


Personal Information

Name: Raina Amelia Loki

Nickname: Rai, Rara

Age: 18

Race: Hybrid (70% Beastman, 10%Saiyan, 20%Demon)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Alignment: Neutral

Height: 5'9

Weight: 176 

Personality: Like her brother she is calm and smart. A beautiful young lady Raina is a girl with many talents. Like both her parents she is a flirt and is good at getting others to do what he wants, she can show compassion for others but doesn't like to spend too much time on them, she is a bit selfish and prefers to only worry about herself and nothing else. She likes this due to her childhood caring about others didn’t really get her anywhere so just focus on her happiness. Raina can be sassy and very blunt, she isn’t afraid to speak her mind, having a fragile confidence. Raina wants to make sure she always looks good no matter what. When Raina really is comfortable with someone you’ll see she is very much a geek nerdy even, she shines the most when she is freely singing or talking about things she is passionate about. She desires love and admiration, for once in her life she’d like to be seen.  

Hobbies: Reading, cooking, makeup\ dressing up, card games

Likes: Shopping, looking pretty, getting compliments, her family, singing and dancing, playing the card game with Akron

Dislikes: Getting dirty, her brother messing with her, being used, being mocked, training

Backstory: Raina was born during the hot summer days along with her twin brother Akron. Being born into a rich family Raina was giving the world, there was never a time he was left without anything she needed her mom Repa and dad Akuma they made sure to take good care of her and her Brother. Repa was there for the first few months along with Akuma, however at some point both of them began to be there less and less due to needing to help Akuma with his business and a few family problems. She was left with the house maids to raise her and her Brother for a while, it was nice having her older brother around it kept her from getting super lonely but there were times where she’d miss her mom and dad. As Raina grew at first she couldn’t understand why her mom and dad kept leaving her but once she was the same as her brother being 9 years old she started to understand what was going on, there was something wrong with the business where Repa ended up taking over it ever since then Akuma hasn’t been around. She didn’t know what had happened but she always believed something happened between Repa and Akuma, it wasn’t as cut and dry as just going on a business trip. At the time Repa was working hard and Akron seemingly began to focus more on pleasing mom. Raina started to buy a lot of things and pretty things to fill the hole she felt in her heart, it was one of the things that seemed to help her. Raina never showed interest in taking over the family business although she still did care it was bringing in the dough, however one part of her does resent the business. Many years go by staying at home most of the time as her mom and brother leave for trips and such, Raina did take it upon herself to teach herself some things about ki, which was something she found one day in a book. When Repa found out about it she made sure to guide her and help whenever she needed it, when she had time too anyways. When Akron started to learn self defense she was learning with him as well, she wasn’t the best at fighting although she had a gift for changing her forms and doing any kind of kid related things. The very thing Akron wasn’t good at was. To this day Raina is still learning alongside her brother, she is not sure what she wants to do in her life, she is kind of lost at the moment and just doing whatever she wants.

Her singing voice: Fresh - YouTube

Combat Info

Abilities: Being the daughter of Repa Raina is able to shift and change her body to any creatures she wants, mix and mash any creature it’s almost endless. There is some limits to this, she can only do creatures she is infused with through DNA, whatever other her mother has may have half of them or all.

Starting Power Level: 100

Strength: 800

Speed: 400

Ki: 10,000

Endurance: 400

Total: 11,600

Personal Information

Name: Akron Seto Loki

Nickname: Ronny, Loki, Seto

Age: 18

Race: A hybrid (10% Beastman, 80%Saiyan, 30%Demon)

Gender: Male 

Sexuality: Bisexual

Alignment: Neutral

Height: 6'9

Weight: 183 idls

Personality: Akron is a cool slick young man, smart and handsome Akron is a boy with many talents. Like both his parents he is a flirt and is good at getting others to do what he wants, he doesn't care too much about other people only about himself and his family, he can be selfish like that. Otherwise to others he comes off like the perfect man, something all the girls and boys want, but the fake facade he puts up only hides who he really is. He puts up this front to look good for the public if he plans to take over the family business he wants to look good. As for who he really is, Akron is a wild card, he would be the one to do dumb dares, crazy challenges doing things out of the box was something he loved doing. With his confidence nothing holds him back when he is let loose. Akron desires friendship but is unable to get it most of the time he is with his family.

Hobbies: Cooking, zip lining, playing card games 

Likes: He enjoys cooking thanks to his dad, playing his card game, messing with his sister, pleasing his mom, flirting with girls, listing to rock dark music

Dislikes: Being messed with while working, anyone bad mouthing his family or business, working too much, being used

Backstory: Akron was born during the hot summer days along with his twin sister Raina. Being born into a rich family Akron was giving the world, there was never a time he was left without anything he needed his mom Repa and dad Akuma they made sure to take good care of him and his sister. Repa was there for the first few months of them being born, however at some point she began to be there less and less due to needing to help Akuma with his business and a few family problems. He was left with the house maids to raise him and his sister for a while, as Akron grew at first he couldn’t understand why his mom and dad kept leaving him but once he was just 9 years old he started to understand, there was something going on with the business where Repa was gonna have to take over. Not long after learning this Repa almost had no time for her kids and Akuma had left on a “business trip” and hasn’t been since then. No longer having his father Akron was craving more attention from his mom but she could only give him so much time, wanting it more than ever Akron thought by maybe learning about the family business and showing he wanted to take over it would get her attention which did work. Repa started to bring him to some business trips to get some experience ect, he did grow some actual interest in taking over but that was still unclear. Many years pass he was 14 years old that’s around the time Repa introduced him to self defense, when he was younger he was aware of such things and even seen it a few times thanks to Repa, she made sure to teach him how to fight and use his beastman abilities he had within, he was very strong but never was good at ki control or shifting into many creatures he can be. After she taught him everything she knew Repa had a combat instructor come into the picture, to this day Akron is still learning how to fight alongside learning how to be the best business man in the world, still wondering if this is what he wants.

Combat Info

Abilities: Being the son of Repa Akron is able to shift and change his body to any creatures he wants, mix and mash any creature it’s almost endless. There is some limits to this, he can only do creatures he is infused with through DNA, whatever other his mother has may have half of them or all.

Starting Power Level: 100

Strength: 10,000

Speed: 600

Ki: 400

Endurance: 6,000

Total: 17,000