Strudel Coppertin Drosselmeyer



6 years, 7 months ago


I don't mind at all if you want to draw my characters at and I do love art regardless of skill and level. However, I will not allow fetish or pornography of them, EVER. These are Characters that I hold rather dearly and cherish them:

Name: Strudel Coppertin Drosselmeyer

Alias: Stru, Struddy, Dumpling, Captain Apples, and many more

Age: Unknown (Birthday is June 28)

Height: 1’0”

Weight: About as much as three big apples.

Race: Alchemiac Golem (Cabbit)

Gender: Doesn’t have one (Male)

Hair/fur color: Honey blonde/Honey gold with chocolate brown spotting with cream face, belly, fingers, and chocolate brown toes.

Nose/ear insides: Brown/fluffy cream

Eye color: Bright Green

Family: Marzipan, Edelweiss, Patchouli, Amarok, Lebkuchen, Charlotte, Azucena, Fastnacht, Konigsberg, Donauwelle, and Persipan

Pros: Pretty vivid Imagination, developing cooking skills, crafts, excellent memorization skills, his still growing knowledge on pirates, careful listening, and making up a rhyme on the spot (Much to everyone’s annoyance.)

Cons: Rather gullible, sort of a little glutton, dependent, a bit clingy around his big brother Amarok, pollen allergy (makes him have headaches), Is a rather picky eater, his imagination gets the better of him at times, A lingering pig phobia, and mood swings.

Likes: Any foods that have apples in it, Pirates, naps, building model ships, any wood crafts, Museums with interactive stations or animatronics dinosaurs, teddy bears, cuddles, cooking with his easy bake oven, super silly songs and Disney movies.

Dislikes: Tea, soda (makes him tear up), mummies of any sort, springtime, Thunderstorms, violent or scary shows, Lego (he doesn’t have much control with the shape as he’d like), being dirty, pigs, and when People beat up poor defenseless piñatas.

Personality: He is rather bubbly and overly cheerful, often smiling and playing around. He is still very much like a twelve to fourteen year old child and is still growing mentally. He still has mood swings if things are not going as scheduled for him. He is very much a glutton, usually eating to get rid of boredom and is often advised to monitor Strudel if near any table spreads.

Bio: Strudel is very much the surprise child of the Brew. While it is a miracle that Strudel hasn’t picked up on Amarok’s antics, there is one thing he did pick up on, his over eating. He is currently at the mental state of twelve to fourteen, he has matured a bit, but still likes to call his Maker Mommy along with starting up a teddy bear collection. He is actively learning how to cook and he gets excited for that expect big time. He is still growing and developing from the world around him, though for now, he is happy just playing with his Easy Bake Oven.

Strudel’s theme song is “Sticks and Stones” By Jonsi: