Azucena Selene Drosselmeyer



6 years, 7 months ago


I don't mind at all if you want to draw my characters at and I do love art regardless of skill and level. However, I will not allow fetish or pornography of them, EVER. These are Characters that I hold rather dearly and cherish them:

Name: Azucena Selene Drosselmeyer

Nickname: Zuzu

Age: Unknown (Birthday is June 13)

Sex: doesn't have one, (female)

Size: 1'0"

Weight: 1 Lbs

Race: Alchemiac Golem (Cabbit)

Hair color: White

Eye color: Deep Pink

Fur: white 

Nose/ears: Light pink

Family: Marzipan, Edelweiss, Patchouli, Amarok, Strudel, Lebkuchen, Charlotte, Fastnacht, Konigsberg, Donauwelle and Persipan.

Strengths: Highly intelligent, schedule planning, can quote lines from a book from the top of her mind, Could easily repair a computer on her own along with building one, can make plush dolls, her knowledge of celestial bodies, and some pretty intense gaming skills.

Flaws: Is pretty shy on her own, will follow her twin long with antics, Has problems with telling people no, has some pretty terrible eyesight, and photosensitivity. 

Likes: Undertale, Outer space, The Storyshift AU for Undertale, Stickers, making plush toys, books, video games, 8 bit and 16 bit music, Computer building, and the moon.

Dislikes: The Sun, people playing keep away with her glasses, People who do the No Mercy Run for Undertale, people who just generally take advantage of the fact she has problems telling them no, and Hearing chewing sounds.

Description: Azucena has pretty much a similar body shape as her Twin, Charlotte. She is an Albino, so she has eyesight problems due to her sensitivity towards sunlight. Unlike most Drosselmeyer styled Cabbit golems, Azucena's nose is more like a bunny. Like her twin, Azucena has a short and very fluffy tail. She loves really quirky outfits that can be game or space related, stickers on said outfits are like a major bonus to her fashion taste. She has a lot of different glasses to wear like her fuzzy pair she adores.

Personality: Azucena is typically this really shy golem that really doesn't go out to speak with others unless someone comes to her first to start a conversation. She is typically a very soft spoken and gentle golem with a mischief streak. This Mischief is typically amplified when she is around her twin, Charlotte and her younger brother, Fastnacht. Typically this does get them into trouble or at the very best cause others some problems. It is usually Azucena that thinks up of a way to get them easily out of trouble.  

Bio: TBA

Azucena's theme music is "Histrousle" By Keno9988ll: and "Shadows of the Night" by Pat Benatar: