Fastnacht S.Drosselmeyer



6 years, 8 months ago


I don't mind at all if you want to draw my characters at and I do love art regardless of skill and level. However, I will not allow fetish or pornography of them, EVER. These are Characters that I hold rather dearly and cherish them:

Name: Fastnacht Sebastian Drosselmeyer

Nicknames: Fast, Nacht, and The Doughnut Vampire.

Age: Unknown (Birthday is October 5th)

Height: 1’0

weight: 1 lbs.

Sex: doesn’t have one, (male)

Race: Altered Blood magic Alchemiac golem (Cabbit)

Fur/Hair color: Black

Eye color: White 

Nose/ear: Grey

Family: Marzipan, Edelweiss, Patchouli, Amarok, Strudel, Lebkuchen, Charlotte, Azucena, Konigsberg, Donauwelle, and Persipan

Strengths: High Speed, his insane high sugar income, his terrible dark powers, can turn people into doughnut ghouls, and is pretty strong for his small size.

Flaws: He eats doughnuts nonstop, hoarding, will steal doughnuts upon spotting them, cannot access the terrible dark powers until he starts his fasting period, has a very small attention span, and is insanely hyperactive.

Likes: All sorts of doughnuts, Halloween, costumes, monsters, doughnuts that have the blackberry jam in them, hair clips, glow in the darks, eyeballs, and pranks.

Dislikes: Food that isn't a doughnut, getting caught in a theft, destructive pranks, his sugar crashes, when his fasting period arrives, Sugar free doughnuts, and being called broken.

Description: Fastnacht is a small black furred Cabbit golem with cream colored markings that look like a starburst on his forehead and a crescent moon on his chest. If he were to have been a normal blood magic golem, his eyes would have been red. However, due to some tampering, he ended up with those eerie full moon eyes. His fur is incredibly smooth and sleek with his hair looking like an emo kid. He enjoys wearing fun stuff like hair clips in his bangs especially if they're the neat glow in the dark kind. Fastnacht often looks like he has waltz right out of a halloween store with his monster themed outfits and hoodies.

Personality: Fastnacht is a very upbeat, very vocal golem that speeds through his words as if he were in a race to see who speaks the fastest. Nacht is a fan of running, jumping, and climbing on almost everything due to the high amount of energy he has. Nacht is often seen with his older sisters, Charlotte and Azucena. They are very much the three trouble makers with Fastnacht being their muscle. He is normally a very cheerful little guy, this only changes when he enters his fasting stage. When Nacht starts to fast, his speech patterns slows down to this demonic sounding rattle to his voice and gets really crabby. During this time he will hiss and bite people, temporarily turning them into horrible jelly drooling doughnut ghouls to do his bidding such as gathering as much doughnuts for him as possible for when his fasting ends.

Bio: TBA

Fastnacht's theme songs are 'Mommy's Little Monsters' by Creature Feature: and "The Unearthly ones" Also by Creature Feature: