Michael O'Conner



2 years, 5 months ago


Michael O'Conner

52 | 5'8" | 158 lbs. | B-


Stoic - Reserved - Calm - Cold

Michael is one you could mistaken for having no emotions from a quick glance. He has a façade of cold and calm, which makes him excellent at his job but may be off-putting to other people who don't know him. And all things considered, he likes it that way: No one ever attempts to mess with him or his family. That being said, he is not completely emotionless: he simply chooses to only drop the façade around those he cares about. He's a little distant and cold, but he has genuine love for his wife and kids, and would guard them with his life if given the option. Although, life isn't always fair...


Michael's origin story is...shaky to say the least. Any account from him regarding his past is inconsistent and any background checks on him are practically inconclusive. He seems vaguely aware of this, but mentioned that he couldn't technically do anything about it: As his past is in the future, his memories are a little scrambled over what happened before his time travel. He does however keep some details relatively consistent, albeit the details are vague. Supposedly, an alien invasion hit Earth, and the human race stood no chance against the threat: Millions were slaughtered, and many more were captured for enslavement or experimentation. Whenever Michael himself evaded capture or not seems unknown: All that is consistent was in a desperate bid to either Flee from this fate or change the future to prevent this, He got his hands on some Zitrossi technology and escaped to the year 1984.

From here, his backstory is less of a mystery.

From there he attempted to figure out how to change the course of history, to the point that he was viewed as crazy by his peers. No luck: The technology he'd need to build some of his items simply didn't exist yet or were too big and rare to obtain easily. From there he fell into despair: it did not seem likely that he could ward off the invasion, much less be alive for it to happen.

Or at least, as he'd learn...not on his own.

While he was at a baseball game, he met and fell in love with woman with a chronic illness. A year later, they had married. And with that came two boys, Matthew and Maxwell. It was some of the best days of Michael's life: For a while, he had completely forgotten about what he went back in time to do, as his priorities had changed for now. What He'd soon learn, however, was that apparently this was the change in history that turn the tide in Humanity's favor, as one of his sons would be the one to lead a successful charge and defeat the Zitross for good. This earned the ire of Zitross (and The Time Entity by some extension), and they vowed to remove this thorn before it even lodged itself into their side. To protect his newfound family, he often had to move them around the country under the excuse of his work needing him to be elsewhere. He'd soon get in contact with his fellow time-travelling buddies, who found a way to get the technology to work, and with that money could be made via time-travelling jobs. 

However, time would prove to be Michael's worst enemy...The Chronic illness became too great, and took the love of his life in the solemn year of 1994. 9 years later, another tragedy struck, as his oldest son Matthew was attacked and horribly wounded by the very creatures Michael tried so desperately to hide them from. But that was not the end of it: Turns out the one that attacked Matthew was a Timekeeper, and that timekeeper was murdered in self-defense by his own son, and as such the artifact  transferred to him. It wouldn't have been so bad (Matthew was alive, after all), if he didn't get warned immediately to stay away from his Sons, that something was very, very wrong here. Turns out, the boss of these Timekeepers was not a fan of people defying the flow of time, and would not hesitate to use whatever resources she had to exterminate the theat...Even if the Timekeeper she commanded was related to the threat in blood. To add salt to the wound, removing the Clock eye from Matthew wound kill him instantly, so that wasn't an option either.

Not wanting to put his own son into that moral dilemma at that young of an age, Michael reluctantly left behind the life he built for years, leaving the boys with a hansome inheritance and a simple request: Don't look for me. Unfortunately for the father of these boys, they did not heed that request, and spent quite a long time searching before Matthew had to give up and leave his brother with still-living family members from his mother's side.


-Not a fan of chocolate: He finds it too sweet for his tastes.