


6 years, 8 months ago


Name: "Talis"

Age: Unknown

Gender: Unknown, [Default: Male pronouns]

Species: Freight Fiend (Founded by Patsies)

Horn Length: Long, possibly dangerous to handle

Size: Somewhat smaller than an average FF

Burden Bearer consideration: 0%

Info: Only seen in warm climates deep within the "Endless Forest" as he calls it. Talis often hears lost children (around 8-16 years of age) in those areas and leads them to safety with his arcane magic. Since the cries of these young ones fill his helm frequently, his horns have grown to cautious lengths to Talis, but he refuses to let these poor souls go unanswered with their pleas for help in a cruel place like that. He'll only show his soft but striking pelt in glimpses for the children to follow if they lose their way with his magic set up in specific areas; the action only done to lead them back on the path chosen. Although believing the kids to be delusional from fright, the kids say to have felt a warm feeling soothe them from inside their bodies as they walked the green lit, leaf covered trail to the outside world.

Talis doesn't seem to be on the minds of children that lose themselves in the colder parts of the environment, but ones stuck in mud sometimes repeat a "green monster" watching them from afar as they're able to drag themselves back onto dry/warmer land.

Talis knows he'll die some day from these runaway kids getting into more trouble than trying to teach their parents a lesson is worth. He only wishes for his actions to mean something in such a horrid world before his horns break and his time is up. Maybe his quest to save the lost travelers of the dark forests he calls home would mean something in time...