Avishàg Nor



2 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info






Agender (he/she/they/it)




Lawful Evil


The Shepard


evil :3

Avi was born in the desert city of Rarune. He loves the warm climate, the sand under paw, the coziness of the cities. They spent most of their life there and worked as a courtier. The city holds memories of love, loss, blood more blood and murder. They left the region a wanted outlaw and haven't yet felt a need to return.

Avi is fixated on power as a means to ensure their complete and utter freedom. No one can extert the law or their will upon you if you have the power to crush them in a second. They can and will kill for fun but equally they can find Random Acts of Evil tedious and boring. He really isnt interested in money beyond what it can get them in food and shelter but does see it as a tool to manipulate others.

Not inherrently selfish, the path they are on has room for many, and Avi will take anyone they find 'worthy' under their wing. Those who have the capacity to do great things, those with an intelligence that is ignored or looked down on by those around them. She will teach them how easy it is to get what they want if they just let go of the limitaitons they've been taught.

wip backstory musing

when Avishàg worked as a courtier they had relations with many other members of the aristocracy and generally whored themselves out for fun when not working (not evil yet). something??? happens?? some guy Avi was particularly close to get executed over a scandal. maybe both of them and other framed for leaking documents. Avi gets pissed and murders half the government (become evil). marble and sandstone halls splashed with blood and u think my god what army has come though here... and u enter a room and it's a feral lion man mouth covered in blood as they look up from their last victim

he had a cult at some point but got bored and killed/ate everyone

Fun Facts
- LTR with Roe
- Used to play the lyre
- They love any city wide celebrations in the warm seasons that bring the people out of their homes and onto the streets for food and games. It is an electric joyous atmosphere he can't help but revel in.
- Its favorite ice cream flavors are vanilla, matcha or pumpkin spice
- the inherrent erroticism of vore