
8 years, 9 months ago
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Name: Sage
Meaning: The name Sage literally means “wise one”.
Nickname: Mutt
Origin: Though Sage has some centaur blood, it's a minuscule amount and causes him to have slight features of a Centaur. It causes him to be an outcast with humans and centaurs alike, earning him the nickname Mutt.
Title: Scribe
Meaning: A person who copies documents by hand.
Race: Partial Centaur
Sexual Orientation: ???
Social Class: Upper Class
Occupation: Scribe, Student of the Elders
Location: Taruke

Physical Appearance...

Age (appearance): Sage appears to be 23 to 28 years old.
Age (physical): 26
Weight: 153 lbs
Height: 6'2
Build: Slim
Psychological Health (1 to 10): Sage's psychological health is nearly perfect (9.7). He may suffer from occasional loneliness and depression, but other than that he is mentally sound. He has to be to study under the elders.
Physical Health (1 to 10): Sage's physical health isn't as good as his psychological health. Since he spends so much time inside studying, he often grows sick when he has too much exposure to the pollens and germs found outside in the village or in the forest. His physical health is only a 5.
Skin Tone: Sage's skin tone is pale, though not unpleasantly so. It falls under the category of a sort of peaches and cream complexion.
Shape of Face: Diamond or Oval
Hair: Sages hair is extremely long. It trails down around his lower back even when up in a pony-tail. When he leaves it down, though, it falls in long, golden curls. His hair is always slightly wild, as if he's been standing on a hill top in a wind storm. His hair is similar to the mane of a horse.
Eye Color: Light Green
Eye Shape: Almond
Vision: Having centaur blood Sage has heightened hearing, able to pick up sounds indistinguishable to the human ear.
Most Remarkable Feature: Sage's most remarkable feature, by far, is his hair.