


2 years, 6 months ago


The best views come from the hardest climbs

Full Name
Male (He/They)
Monster Hunter/Lucile's Lackey
Theme Song

Sunflower believes in the importance of nature and spirituality. He places more importance in people and the intangible than any physical object. Any physical object he considers important always has an intangible attachment, such as a meaningful memory.

Sunflower does not interest himself about how he is perceived; in fact, he'd rather not be noticed at all. He views himself as uninteresting and bland, and wants to make no waves.

They don't make graves for stray dogs

Sunflower is reserved, and prefers to keep to himself and avoid complicating others. He wants to make as little impact as possible, and thus is slow to attach to anyone. It is common for those to know of him to know very little about him, as he fades into the background to just be known as 'Lucile's lap dog'.

Sunflower is kind but quiet. He is slow to trust fully but will help people out of the kindness and expense of his heart. He talks little about himself and who he is, even going as far as to tell extremely few people his real name, if at all, only ever going by his nickname.


  • Nothing calms a soul like perfectly brewed herbal tea
  • The ocean, something familar yet unknown. All that matters is its beauty.
  • Things get easier during the warmer months; that's when the birds do their singing
  • Nothing is as cleansing and free as rain
Preperation can be the difference between life and death


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Short subtitle.

Spell Name nth Level (Spell Tag • Component(s))

Casting Time

Faucibus scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien nec sagittis. Nunc sed id semper risus in hendrerit.

Spell Name nth Level (Spell Tag • Component(s))

Casting Time

Maecenas pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo urna molestie at elementum. Porttitor rhoncus dolor purus non. In vitae turpis massa sed. Faucibus a pellentesque sit amet porttitor.

If you're treated like a monster for long enough you become one

Early Life

The first memory Sunflower has is him awaking alone in the forest as a young man, covered in scratches and bruises almost naked and afraid, with no memory of who he was or how he got there. He had hurried his way into the nearest town, desperate for help, where a farmer had offered to help him. Taking him in as her own, she named him, and raised him for a few more years, and Sunflower came to accept her as his adoptive mother,

.After the death of his mother, Heires had left home in grief, and from then on roamed the world in search of work to keep himself alive and busy, resigning himself to monster hunting for the next decade

Current Life

The one thing Sunflower hates the most is his lack of freedom. He is forever chained to his disease, making him fear settling down and calling someplace home; something he desperately wants. He hates being alone, but his curse forces him otherwise. He wants nothing more than to find himself a cure, even if it means losing everything else he has.

Family is not blood, but who you'd bleed for


"hm.. it is rather nice to find someone that seems to understand me in ways no one else can.. I wonder how long before that falls apart"

Both have a very "sit together and not talk for hours and call it a good hang out" type relationship

Eleanor admires the wisdom Sunflower has, and appreciates company that doesn't involve itself in 'getting to know them' through these awkward questions. Still, though, they both find themselves getting to know each other still; very slowly, but maybe that's just how they both like it

Both plagued by their lives of solitude and their natural tendency to keep themselves, as well as their intimidating and stoic nature. They differ in the softness of their hearts, as Sunflower still values the love and lives of people, while Eleanor shuts everyone else out entirely.



"I do not have anything to say about him"

Sunflower is very quiet, to say the least. He never speaks his mind, nor tells people what he feels or thinks, and would rather suffer a slight bit than really inconvience anyone else. Being unreadable and with seemingly no judgement, Gavin tends to not stick around

Gavin can't tell his thoughts from his face, and finds it hard to really get a grasp on WHO he is, really. Sunflower thinks him to be too loud, too open, and far too... unashamed. Just being around Gavin puts him far closer to the spotlight in any conversation or social situation than he is comfortable with


"Lovely and devoted woman, but sometimes she tends to throw her heart and let her head after"

Both love to cook, and Sunflower loves to listen Karri ramble as much as Karri loves to ramble

Sunflower loves learning new things, and Karri is nothing but a HUGE wealth of knowledge. Want to know how to knit or sew? Karri's got you. Hard time figuyring out the newspaper's tricky crossword puzzle? Karri can help! Need a mean rabbit stew recipe? Karri has at least 5 different variants for you. For as long as Karri is willing to talk about her favourite books, or theories, puzzles or anything, Sunflower is willing to sit and listen for just as long.

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