Ariadne Duskryn



2 years, 6 months ago


Character info & Drawing Tips

Aria is a Pact of the Fiend warlock changeling, meaning she made a pact with a powerful demon to achieve her powers, she specialises usually in fire magic and necrotic magic.

Due to this pact, no matter what form she takes has two distinctive marks of her Patron. The sigil of her demonic patron burnt into her palm, (Which she usually covers with thin black gloves.) And elongated canine teeth, giving them the look of sharp fangs.

To say she's a big child is an understatement, she never thinks before acting, never cares for the consequences and just generally has a very uncaring personality. She's extremely manipulative and deceptive, and will do anything for attention and to stay the center of it. A false demeanour of arrogance pervades most of her actions.

Though her empathy is underdeveloped, and her moral practically nonexistent, she is trying to become 'better' due to the intervention of her party members.